It's been 5 days since my last update. News since then:
Dec 25th: Went to mum's in the morning, then to Liz's parents in the afternoon. Got much loot, including Terry Pratchett's Wintersmith, Chocolate, and MacGuyver on DVD.
Dec 26th: Lounged around house. Did nothing. Won eBay auction for Powerbook 1400 active-matrix screen ($50 shipped). I have three passive matrix screens for 1400s, but the active matrix is far far better.
Dec 27th: Lounged around house, picked up ingredients for a salad, made in the new salad spinner, took it to have at an evening picnic on the foreshore near UWA for Liz's dad's birthday dinner. Was nice.
Dec 28th: Lounged around house. Went for a ride around matilda bay with Liz. Stopped off at
stephiepenguin and
davyd's place. Went shopping. Saw
grahame while shopping. Had a middle eastern-ish dinner. Ok, kebabs with Moroccan seasoning on a bed of cous-cous. Turkish-Delight ice cream for dessert. Lighting of gas burner was slightly delayed, resulting in a small explosion, singeing off the hairs on some of my right hand. Burning hair smells really bad.
Dec 29th:
sonnlich came over to fangirl Read-or-Die with Liz. I went to Ikea, bought a new lamp. Went into the city.. got watch battery changed. Bought new batteries for continuity tester gizmo, some books (XSan guidebook and a book on Frank Lloyd-Wright, and some Chinese Recipe Cards). Also bought Singstar and a set of tools for Arts. Tried to find a Compact-Flash to PCMCIA adaptor, but found none. Will have to buy off eBay.