Jul 02, 2007 21:50
Y'know, with as much time as I spend looking for fic and other assortment of time-wasting fun on livejournal, I kinda forget to update this thing. Oops. I've been pretty good at the flaky lately. Too good.
Anyhoo, how's everyone? What passions rule you now, oh enchanting flist? Mine would be Doctor Who, and once I can manage to turn my initial spazmoid squee into somewhat coherent words about how just how much I love Doctor Who (so's far just New Who, but that will change), I'll, well, get back to you then, won't I?
Yesterday I finally convinced myself to open more albums on iTunes (it always takes me a while to introduce a new artist into my music list) and stumbled across 'Castaways & Cutouts' by The Decemberists and I can't stop listening. 'Grace Cathedral Hall' sorta breaks my heart. And there's one song (don't know which one yet, name-wise) that sounds a hell of a lot like Alanis Morrisette's 'Uninvited', but I still love it, because I love 'Uninvited' and it's still a great song, whatever its name is.
Tafe or work? Tafe or work? Or... both. *sigh* I hate life decisions. Ever since they started to feel like a bunch of choices with equally dull and uninteresting outcomes. Better than not making choices at all, I guess. *takes a deep breath and exhales* And so I release the emo and venture to read more fantastic and brilliant fanfiction. Maybe seek out some Ten/Jack. When the Ten/Rose well of fanfiction dries out. *rubs hands together and cackles slightly*
Night all. :)
- D.
doctor who,
the decemberists