Ever get those little thoughts and experiences running through your head that pile on top of one another, waiting for their chance to get blogged about? Hopefully it is not just me..... Anyway, this is That kind of entry. Forewarned is forearmed, or something like that.
Happy thing that happened last night: I was making a trip to the dump on my way to the gym, and pulled up by the recycling dumpsters. I had been getting an NPR fix as I drove and was interested in the news story that was on as I arrived, so I left the volume up and the back hatch of the truck open in order to continue listening as I began separating and chucking my recycle-ables. Yep, that's just the kind of rebel I am - I leave NPR blaring as I do my recycling. Anyway, there was another truck pulled up at the dumpsters with a guy going through the same routine with his trash as I was with mine. I walked by and was surprised to hear..... yep, NPR. He had it playing loudly from his speakers as well. I had to chuckle and called out to him that it was not often I was treated to NPR in stereo while at the dump. He called back that it was a first for him and we shared a laugh. In this fairly conservative, semi-rural community, it was a little treat to find a like minded soul and I got the feeling he felt similarly.
I believe that one of the gifts of being an introvert is that silly little connections like this one, when they pop up unexpectedly, have an effect not unlike that of putting on a coat and finding a forgotten $10 in the pocket or coming across a candy dish with one's favorite little morsels in it. It is a bright little bit of sunshine for the spirit, and this particular one put me in a great mood.
Interestingly enough, the news story was on the proposal up for debate in California that would make it illegal to hit a child under the age of four. Because of what I spent the last 8 years or so of my professional life doing, this really got my attention. I am really glad that there is going to be public discourse on the subject. So far our nation has pretty much sanctioned adult violence towards children, as long as it has stayed within the realm of discipline. The edges of that line are forever blurry however. I have so many thoughts on this subject, a number of which conflict with one another. Spare the rod and spoil the child has essentially been the operating mantra, but where has it gotten us? Our children now are more violent than ever. Perhaps we are ready for a new paradigm. At least if we continue with the old, it will at least be a somewhat more examined course of action due to this legislation being introduced. Another interesting point made by one of the commentators is the similarity in language that is used currently by proponents of the physical discipline of children (it's a family matter, the government should not be involved) and that used decades ago by those who were opposed to domestic violence protection measures to counteract spousal abuse.
On a completely different topic, I have been pretty good the last few weeks in actually getting to the gym. Inspired by my triathlon running coworker, who trains six days a week and whose weekend fun is traveling to train in different places with different people, I have set a goal for myself. I have not yet figured out if it is an underestimation of what is reasonable, or an overestimation...but a goal it definitely is. I am going to run 300 miles this year. Given the thriving love-hate relationship with running (that is quite weighted towards the hate side) which I have nursed for years, I will feel really good about myself if (when!) I meet this one. I am planning on posting milestone marks here, in hopes that will provide additional motivation to keep at it. Oh, and since I missed counting the first three weeks of the year and the running I did during them, I am officially giving myself until the end of January 2008, if I need it.
That's all for now, folks...thanks for tuning in ; )