Apr 09, 2009 07:45
I have so much to do, and only a day to do it! Where are my rest and relaxation?
My body and I are fighting again. I say, "I feed you! I exercise you! I even get you back rubs and hot tubs when I can! Why do you persist in not sailing effortlessly through the rigors of the day?!"
My body says, "Wah, I am tired, even though you don't feel like I am tired. Now I will make you cry! Bwhahahah!"
Okay, it hasn't made me cry yet. But it's been trying pretty hard. And to be fair, I'm not entirely certain it's my body, because my brain seems to be the thing that shuts down first, with my body shutting down only after I've stopped making it do whatever I'm making it do and it realizes it has a chance to go into Rest Mode. Regardless, it is not performing up to required standards. Need more energy!
My roommate has some days off from work for a religious holiday, which means I actually get to see her. Yay! Last night, while I was out beating my head against database design, she cleaned up the living room and somehow fixed the clog in the kitchen sink. Truly she has miraculous powers! The only bummer about her religious holidays is that they are supposed to be spent in rest and contemplation, so she can't actually do anything. So it'll mostly be her following me around while I do stuff, which is cool I guess. But it would be cooler if we could do stuff together.
Today I need to:
pay bills - done
yell at Wachovia (yay!) - done
mail stuff - done
clean out my car - done
take cardboard to the recycling - 1/3 done
go out to Tommy's garden and poke around - postponed
mow Tony's lawn - done
STAB PEOPLE (double yay!) - done
in roughly that order.
UPDATE: List is over 90% complete. I consider that a Day of Win for me! Yay!