Apr 11, 2006 15:41
Maliscious Mischief!
Man, we didn't get home until midnight last night! And that is LATE for el campo (the country, like out in the country)! I had a really good time though. We went to Guanajuato which is a tourity town. We didn't get there until 2 which is partially why we got back so late. If we had left earlier, we may have been home sooner. We got there and my cousin knew about this tourist package you can buy so we did and then we went in this SUV with this four person fam. to go see the sights of guanajuato. I only wish we had a little more time to shop in some of the places because I felt rushed. and I would have liked to have bought some more. We didn't get to go to the mummy museum because we ran out of time. It was kind of weird to be in a touristy city after being in el campo for so long. I even saw other americans! whoa! at the very end when I was in the bus station waiting to come home, this group of 5 am. college age kids come in from the bus side and the one girl in back in WHINING "heeeey, guys, can we sit down for a minute, my foot like rally really hurts.*whine*" but they kept moving.
And when we were in Leon we went to this MALL. It was huge, it was upscale like Somerset. They had an ice skating rink in it! crazy! but we didn't stay long, just long enough to get some dinner (it was after 7 and we hadn't eaten since 10) from subway. I relied mostly on hand motions and a series of complicated winks and nods to get my point across to the sandwich artist about what I wanted. But then I wanted some french fries, so over to burgerking we went. and YES FOLKS! Rachel CAN order french fries in Spanish! *round of applause* I ate too fast, but it all turned out okay. Off to office depot to get the ink. I'm printing out research and reports and notes and my lesson plans for explo. It's just a big pain to have to copy and paste everything and then turn it all teal and red so it'll print. that's why we needed the black ink because it was totally out. I should have bought some photo paper.
what else, what else. At the bus station there is this one bus company named "premium plus" and the riders get a "free" sandwich and drink with their ticket. There is a woman who stands at a little cart outside of the bus and gives them out as people get on. She wears a very short skirt and tall black high heels. She is like a flight attendant. And I've been in a few bus stations, and they all look the same. And those black heels are really high. I wonder how long their shifts are. We catch the bus to Lagos down by the carraterra (highway) and Cuarenta has their own buses that go, but sometimes it takes 45 mins or longer and it stops at all the highway overpasses to pick up the other campesinos. So if you can catch one of this big buses coming from somewhere to Lagos its a smooth ride about 25 minutes and comfy seats. But the area right around Cuarenta is busy with traffic especially yesterday because there are people making a pilgrimage to San Juan for the Easter time. The buses don't really like stopping. and sometimes they don't. But this one almost did. Rolling stop, fer real. I caught a moving bus yesterday. sweet.
When we were in Guanajuato there was this panoramic view that we went to above the city. it was so cool. mariano (cousin) said it looks like little leggo blocks, or a tetris game and any time a little blue one wll drop down from the sky. My digital camera went on the total fritz so its a good thing i had a nice disposable with me which I've beenmeaning to use up since England. I think I have one picture left. It's been so long I dont even know what the rest of the stuff on it is.
And we went into a mine! so I have a picture from that. We had to wear hard hats and everything. It was a lot of fun, touristy, and fun.