Mar 31, 2006 11:42
Last night I work up at one thirty in the am. and this wasn't a sort of groggy roll over and go back to bed wake up. this was a pop wide awake "I'm awake. why am i awake. what time is it" kind of wake up.
this morning there was an insect. I would like to call it a bumblebee, because bumblebees don't scare me. unfortunately there were no stripes of heartwarming yellow. this sucker was big and black and everytime it buzzed by it sounded like the a boat with a small outboard motor. good thing I was on the inside of the screen door. I think it was trying to get into the bird's cage. and I think that when the bird was calling it was really saying "you dirty big black bug! get away from my cage! you can't fit throuh the bars and you DON'T smell like sunshine! go away" all I heard was "chirp chirp quuuuiiiiipppe chi chirpitty cooo. or some other sort of bird calling. I don't know the technical phonetic translation.
I have also been looking up information about madison. which so far has consisted of me searching for it on wikipedia and finding out that the downtown is on an isthmus! how cool is that! it also has about 200,000 people, the biggest farmer's market in the country on summer saturdays, ice kite flying in the winter. sounds like my kind of place. I've also been searching for madison people on friendster. dear friendster. hey, it helped find me somewhere to live in England, and I could have cut out the creep in the middle if only I had opened the search 4 more years. It was the default! how was i to know it only defaulted to 20-25 yrs old! geesh.