Today I went to the city library and they were having a sale, and I scored The Majestic on DVD for £1 and High Fidelity in hardback for 50p! :D Bargains please me (although it was hard to not spend money on a handful of other DVDs, mainly John Cusack films, that I didn't really know/need).
Reply to this post and I'll give you the name of one person/character. Then answer the questions with pictures of the person/character you were tagged with in your own LJ.
dearlydevoted gave me Zachary Levi/Chuck Bartowski
1. Choose a picture of the funniest face on your person.
2. Choose a picture of your person eating.
I realise he's not actually eating, but there is food involved.
3. Choose a picture of your person with an animal.
I couldn't actually find one, but now I have an excuse to post this:
4. Choose a picture of your person with a member of the opposite sex.
5. Choose a picture of where you would have sex with this person.
This is just to say that whether he's all smooth or uber goofy, I totally would.
6. Choose a picture of your favorite outfit on this person.
7. Choose a picture of your person smiling.
8. Choose a picture of your person half-naked.
I have no idea what this film is about but LOL.
9. Choose a picture of your person doing an outdoor activity.
10. Choose your favorite picture of this person.
I saw this meme on a few people's journals, and noticed some of them had different prompts in place of others so I decided to add those in.
!11. Choose a picture of your person with a member of the same sex.
!12. Choose a picture of your person in your OTP.