Well, most of you didn't see the post that I posted before this, on the account of LJ went down five minutes afterward.
So I went surfing Cherrystyle and found a few layouts I like. :) I'm definetly keeping this one but I might use some in "rotation," for lack of a better word.
Ordered Papa John's pizza tonight. Heh, got "Weekend at Bernie's" for free. <333333 that funny movie. xD
Larry: [slaps Bernie's head continuously and says, in a pained way] Bernie!
For those of you that don't know and would like to find out but don't want to watch the movie to find out,
Bernie is killed by gangsters because he wanted them to kill Larry and Richard. Yeah. Just thought you might wanna know WHY Larry is slapping Bernie on the head. xD
Ah, the numerous things you can do with a dead guy. You can take him sailing on his ship, you can throw him over a balcony and let him wash up on the beach while you're making out, you can rip off his hair and staple it back on... good times, good times. xDD