Im Alive!!!!!!

Jun 22, 2007 12:54

After spending the week housesitting for my parents, where I have no internet connection I have triumphantly returned to the world.

AND I BROKE MY WRITER"S FUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

SQUEE! *Insert snoopy dance*

I guessing being adrift from the world of technology will do that for you. It was like a writing retreat, like in the shining without the creepy bartender. But Tim hauled over my computer on day two, and brought me a bottle of white wine, then just left me alone.

Four glasses later bam!
Its like a cork being undone, I wrote about fifty pages in two days, finished the chapter i had been stuck on forever in the Storyteller piece, came up with a new novel idea, and added chapters to three other pieces.

I'm sooo happy.

Now i just need to find a working job.
The Lease is up at the end of July, the deadline is crunching. Scramble scramble.
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