Aug 04, 2007 09:32
Before I lost a lot of weight (about 30 pounds), I got really into fashion. I bought tons of new clothes.
My plan was to lose a little weight so my clothes fit a little better.
I did that.
But then I decided to lose a little more weight.
And then a little more.
All my new clothes stopped fitting.
It's funny because I guess I was torn between two extremes. A part of me was obsessed with my appearance and trying to be as thin as the tiny actresses on TV. Another part of me was going through this spiritual awakening and feeling it was wrong to keep buying new clothes. So I bought very little. I was also obsessed with constantly exercising so I pretty much wore workout clothes all the time.
Now I've gained all the weight back. I actually feel prettier though because I have tons of clothes to wear again.
Some stuff is a bit snug though and I am about 3 pounds away from being overweight. So, I do want to slowly lose some pounds. But I don't want to lose enough pounds that my clothes no longer fit.
I did buy some new stuff that fits better. My rule is that for every season I can buy 100 dollars worth of clothes. I'm trying to buy everything (besides swim suits, bras, underpants, and socks) at Goodwill. Last weekend, I bought two cute dresses, plus some pajamas and a skirt.
I used to wear long skirts all the time--and dresses. Then I went to visit my sister in college. She's skinny and adorable. She wore stuff models wear when they party late at night. I wore a "frumpy" skirt and a shirt. She made a comment about it....something like "I thought you'd want to wear something cute today."
I didn't have anything "Cute" in my suitcase.
Hell, I probably didn't have anything cute in my closet.
I felt very self-conscious the whole time I was visiting her. I got this idea that it's so sad that I'm in my twenties and look like a 30 year old mother. I am in my 30's. And I AM a mother. So I want to go back to wearing long skirts, dresses, etc. I'll try not to look frumpy. Hey, but if I do. So, be it.
Honestly, the ideal clothes would be items that make me feel both attractive and extremely comfortable.
I'm wearing a long comfortable skirt today. I don't look like a delicate underweight actress. But I think I do look like a fairly beautiful 34 year old mother.