Jan 08, 2007 15:26
I posted this entry on my myspace blog the other day, and to be honest I don't know why I have a myspace... so I'm re-posting the entry here, three days later. I no longer have a cold, and am doing pretty well... gotta get back to work now though, not supposed to be doing this here at the shop...
So we're already 5 days into the New Year, and well... its still almost exactly the same to be honest. Though its my hope that it'll be much different.
I'm working a lot, since there's honestly no point to me going to school right now, given the way my throat's been acting up. And besides, the school I want to go to won't accept my application for an audition until I'm 21 anyway. I'm working during the day for my family's drapery business. I'm building the website, building a new base of decorators on the wholesale end, and trying to expand the business in general. I've actually managed to do quite a lot since I started in mid-December.
The hat business at the renaissance faire did not do spectacularly. Though it didn't do poorly either, I just ended up with $4,000 worth of stock at the end of the season, and nowhere to go with it, because of disagreements with my partners. That seems to be fixed for the spring, and if its not, I'm set on going by myself. For all of the assholes that have turned it into a huge joke, I still have to August to turn a profit (the one year mark). I'll be back at the PA Faire this year, and a whole bunch before that that'll be listed on the website www.TheJestersHat.com I'm also working on a couple of cosplay costumes for people that requested them (I still dislike anime though). I'm also building two brand new tents, which will look much better than the old ones.
I'm singing at a lot of funerals right now, which is good, both for my pocket and my voice. It needs the exercise. Not really a happy job, but it helps pay the bills.
Oh and if you're looking at the websites and thinking they're not at all spectacular... that's because I don't know much about building them.
My voice is improving a lot, which is definately a plus. Voice lessons are going well, and my teacher thinks I'm on a great track. Wish piano lessons were going as well, but it probably would help if I started practicing more.
Just seems like I'm moving too fast right now, and that I'm not who I want to be. I hit a hard spot in my self re-construction (code for my attempt at losing weight). I think that aerobics and my sad form of diet aren't going to work to get off another 90 lb. So I think I'm gonna have to start lifting weights, which well... sucks.
Honestly, its 9:45 on a Friday night... I'm sitting on my computer typing to no one... and one would be led to think I live a pathetic life (and its not... entirely) but today was a rough day for my family. My grandmother has the lovely combination of Raynaud's Phenomenon, Scleroderma, and Pulmonary Hypertension, and the lovely prognosis of at least 5 years. So hence my wanting to stay in. However, my mom looks like she wants to talk to me.. so I'm probably gonna go bother Jim when he gets out of work at 10.
New Year's Resolutions:
Get Healthy
Get some work done
Cut down on the Bullshit
Stop being a prick
and Finish something major in my life.