Support !
Well then you can support this webseries! My friend, Rachel Kiley (follow her on twitter! @this_years_girl) is attempting to start up a webseries known as The Gatekeepers. She's a senior at NYU and deserves to have this series start up! A devoted fan of Buffy, Roswell, Angel, and the Whedonverse, she knows her supernatural, promising this to be a fantastic series.
However, this entire series can't get off the ground without your help! Every series needs a bit of money and even the smallest donation of 5$ to her donation site,, and you even enter the chance for a raffle of a Nintendo Wii or varying iPods! Remember, just even the smallest donation of 5$ can help her out!
So please help my friend, Rachel Kiley, make her dream a reality and enjoy this series! Be a part of something fun that has enthralling mythology and plot, only if you support!