
Mar 02, 2011 13:56

Well, I have a new icon thanks to this article.  The picture speaks thousands of words about how fundamentalist Christians feel about their all-loving, all-compassionate, omniscient god: They're angry and scared.

I wonder why?  Maybe it has something to do with the pain-body that they're exuding.  It is obvious to me that there is some turmoil in their ways; they're suffering, tortured beings.  They have no control over the world and they want to bend everyone to their whims, how they think the world should be.  Rational adults outgrow this (child psychologists: please correct me) five-year old, fused mentality that everyone must do things the way that you do, or else all hell breaks loose and society slides into a collective toilet.

These people are terrified of everything unlike them: black presidents, liberals, people who have a grasp on reality, people who observe evolution and use it to their benefit, homosexuals who aren't motivated sexually by the exact same things these people (think they are) motivated by.

The story goes on repeat: if you're not with us, you're against us.  It is the foundation for strife across the planet.  Imaginary walls and divisions people create and they buy their illusion.  When your illusion clashes with theirs, you're the enemy.  If you have no illusion, you must be killed because you're disillusioned (note: that term has a completely different connotation here, doesn't it.  Funny how that snuck into our language as a perjorative, isn't it?)

For the record, I agree with the Supreme Court on this one.  I don't agree with the particular speech that was protected, but they have every right to prattle on about their bigoted illusions.  Just as I have the right to prattle on about my continuing disillusionment.

current events and news, framing, religion and spirituality, us, freedom

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