California: vote no on 23, unless you want to always be unemployed

Nov 02, 2010 10:04

I read a disturbing article today on NPR.  It is about measure 23 in California.  Here's the snippet:

The ballot measure known as Proposition 23 is being bankrolled mostly by oil companies. Supporters aren't saying that global warming is a good thing - or that it doesn't exist. Their arguments have mainly been about economic effects.

The unemployment rate in California is more than 12 percent right now, and that's what seems to worry the woman in one ad in favor of the proposition...
Here's the problem I see.  Actually, there are two things.  A) If this passes, oil companies probably have enough influence to permanently make California's unemployment rate whatever they want; all they have to do is restrict oil flow and energy into the state.  The cynic in me says that if you vote for this, you're going to permanently tie our environmental quality to the inverse of our job market.  That has tremendous implications.  If you want to trash the environment, just lay people off.  If the unemployment is high enough, then you can do whatever you want.  But if the economy does well, well, then we have to pare back on environmental destruction.

What a horrible precedent to set!  Additionally, I know from experience because I did the AB32 training, California's global warming act (AB32) created a lot of green jobs.  Their Air Resources Board is a great organisation: responsible, responsive government.  It was amazing to work with them, honestly.  So, California: which jobs do you want?  Oil jobs or sustainable, green jobs?  Seems like an odd choice to me.

And here's another bit of common sense [I hate that term because it is so misleading], says Anita Mangels, communications director for Yes on 23: "California acting alone can't do anything to reduce global warming."

The problem with this of course is that California is the front-runner; whatever California does environmentally many of the states on the West Coast generally follow.   If the engine of change veers off course, all of the following cars will fall into the ditch too.  The oil companies know this.  And are betting on it.

Additionally, there's a hidden subtext on here that no one realises.  The Western Climate Initiative flicks on and creates a carbon market when enough states with a critical mass of CO2 ratify it.  If California pulls out, considering it contributes so much CO2 (way more than many other states around it), this puts a coffin-nail in the WCI.  Another unforeseen consequence of voting for this measure.  But I'm sure that's not common sense.  In fact, it isn't even common knowledge.  And I'm sure no one has that as their platform and speech.

Wow, California... let's see if there is any hope for you and for the rest of the western US.  You're our only hope.  Vote no on this pile of crap measure.

And yes, I know I'm in Oregon.  Our bills are innocuous in comparison.  Legalisation of pot dispensaries and allowing veterans access to home loans.  That's easy.  Yes.

environment, politics, greenhouse gases and global warming, resource management

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