CA strawberries=teh suckage`

Jun 21, 2010 07:50

Looks like I won't be eating non-organic strawberries from California anymore. Profits are getting in the way of people, and I don't support that.

In April, the state issued a notice to approve methyl iodide with an exposure limit of 96 parts per billion for workers.

"I was shocked," says Ed Loechler, a biology professor at Boston University.

Loechler served on the independent review panel that was brought in by state regulators to help staff scientists evaluate methyl iodide.

"The number in the notice is 120 times higher than the level that both the independent scientific review panel thought was safe, as well as their own internal experts thought would be safe, in terms of worker exposure," Loechler says.

According to an assessment produced by the panel and staff scientists, the safe exposure level for workers is 0.8 parts per billion. Anything over that, they said, would be unsafe.

"I honestly think that this chemical will cause disease and illness," says Froines, who chaired the panel. "And so does everyone else on the committee."

science, sustainability, accountability, capitalism on its last legs

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