More help for the 12+%

Apr 14, 2009 08:22

I heard today Oregon may be number one in the US for unemployment.  I'm going to be thankful right now that I not only have a job, but I have my job. Yesterday I was given the lead position within the company for greenhouse gas tracking.  It is my project and I'm the team leader on it.

I'm guessing that if you're living in Oregon and you're under 30, about half of you are unemployed.  Many of my friends are sheltered from it because they have the necessary experience to keep their jobs, but that's not 100%.  newday and winterr are still actively looking for work (one is a product of the financial sector, the other the newspaper industry--both are technically adept.  newday does what I do, only he's about 7X better in SQL than I am; winterr does web and database interface development.)  Of the bands I'm in contact with, it seems that about half are unemployed; my guitarist lost his job the same week that he found out he's going to have a kid.  He's, of course, got an advantage because god is on his side, so I'm not going to worry about him.  The rest of us heathens, though, have to be active participants in our own life; personal responsibility and all that.

Speaking of god: This is from a guy I went to school with.  He's now a career counsellor, but he's an ex-minister for a liberal Christian church.  He's honest in his business affairs, his overhead is low (he doesn't even have an office to cut costs down) and is a stand-up guy.  I paid 3000$ for this same sort of service, but he's an active participant in helping people not just find a job, but their perfect job.  Whenever I'm looking for work, I at least get some advice from him.  He told me to go for this one, and he was spot on.  I'm going to say god put him up to it.  BTW: Roger is their sales guy...

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                                                 SW(February 21, 2008)

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WHEN: Four consecutive Fridays beginning May 1, 2009
            1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

To learn more visit our website
OR call Rodger at 503-270-6404
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