(no subject)

Jun 19, 2011 16:15

Wow it's been a month since my last entry. Shows how busy things have been. Since then I barely saw anyone for more than once a week due to exams (Not that I was studying much, in fact I am procrastinating right now). Unfortunately all my friends have finished their exams, but I am not free until 4pm tomorrow :(
Every week we have been meeting up with each other, normally on a Friday. The week after the incident, Cez, Bianca, Akuot, HB and I met up in the city. Cez was high after she had her first joint and watching her act out all the signs was hilarious to watch as became all mellow, got the munchies, paranoia and then mood swings in 15 minutes.
We originally planned to go to Zoe's drama performance, but Cez didn't because she didn't want to run into them at her school and without Cez going I saw no justification in going to a stranger's school production when I never bothered to go to any of my own school's functions. At first HB wanted to go so I played the girlfriend card and made him stay. This was a big mistake because he was pretty grouchy the whole night and kind of dampened what could have been a fun girls' night out. Being so indecisive it took us quite a while to decide what to do. In the end we decided to watch X-men. Since we snuck into a special cinema which had assigned seating we had to split up to find somewhere to sit. HB was not happy about the experience, while the rest of took it in our stride.

The next week we decided to go out to dinner to catch up with Other's Friend's cousin and Bev who they haven't seen for a while. On the night we blocked from entering a restaurant by bouncers because Smile and Other Friend were underage. What kind of restaurants has bouncers? Their dumb excuse was there was a bar but that made no sense because the bar staff could ask for ID if we wanted to get any drinks and that Smile was dressed too casually. They told us to leave and go to Macca's instead to play with the toys. The bouncers were inconsiderably rude to us and in the end it was their loss. So we decided to go to another restaurant which turned out to pretty good and cheap. We ate a lot and was there for quite a while, it was fun girls night out although Bev and Other's Friend's cousin didn't turn up. In fact we stayed there so long, HB actually joined us after his exam. Unfortunately he was so out of it, he once again put a damper on the mood. After the dinner we all went home (Cez didn't want to but we forced her). It was kind of hard during each outing when HB turned up because he didn't wasn't in a mood to talk even though we haven't seen each other all week and he isn't very talkative on FB.

On Friday I went to a training session for a job I may or may not get (Personally I think its a scam run by the managers to get free workers but I went there anyway to put it as work experience) on the way to the train station I ran into Geraldine and Randy who were waiting for HB. Although I had to study for maths and was going to see HB the next day anyway I decided to hang out with them. It was fun because HB was in a better mood than the last few times I have seen him (Makes me think that his bad moods must have something to do with Cez or just the fact his exams are over). We hung around in the city, first we went to the NGV. Despite her crazy personality Geraldine was a lot more fun than Cez (more because I didn't have to control her and the fact that she knew her limits), hung out in a park while Randy, Geraldine, Sanjo and Sam had a joint each (HB and I were the responsible adults) and then went to some gay hang out space in the city. Being the only straight members of the group, HB and I were the odd ones out and being there felt weird. We watched a show about a gay couple. The fact I ran into them depended on a spur of the moment decision on which train station to take and then missing my usual stop for said station so I had to go through a different entrance.

Yesterday HB and I went to his nephew's birthday because it was a good way to introduce me to his family. Luckily they were all very nice and his nephew loved my present which was a stuffed dog. At one point his 2 year old nephew took me by the hand and we walked together in the backyard. HB wasn't happy that his nephew just stole his gf lol. I did my best to talk to his family on my own whenever he was busy talking about stuff I didn't understand or always wandered over to the kids, especially the birthday boy if I was left on my own. For a first meeting I think it went well. I will be seeing them again on his 21st. I think overdosed on cheese at the party, but then you can never have too much cheese. I like how relaxed and easy going his family are, we were holding hands and he was even touching me. I don't think I could have done than with my family around. When his parents dropped us of at the station,his mum hit something with the car. I almost panicked but they were so calm. If it was my mum behind the wheel and my dad sitting next to her, there would have been a massive bust up. The station was deserted and we just missed the train so HB and I had some time together because HB is going back home for the holidays and I won't see him for the next 2 weeks :(

That's what has happened recently and I still have a very nasty cold I caught from my brother.

hb, old gregg, dinner parties, friendships, life, outing, food

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