Disneyland with Tara <3

May 12, 2005 00:27

Your Deadly Sins

Sloth: 40%

Lust: 20%

Envy: 0%

Gluttony: 0%

Greed: 0%

Pride: 0%

Wrath: 0%

Chance You'll Go to Hell: 9%

You will get bugs, because you're too lazy to shoo them off. And then you'll die.

How Sinful Are You?

I went to Disneyland yesterday with Tara. She's such a sweetie, hehe. She calls me her big teddy bear ^_^. We saw the parade, saw the fireworks together, went on the tower of terror twice. We didn't go on many rides cause the park was only open til 9. I put my arm around her and we watched my little portable movie thing on the way home ... and I got car sick >.< great timing. Too bad she's already taken, which is the sux0rz, but she wants to hang out again. ^_^

All in all, I'm happy, alone in love, but happy.

But, I'm sleepy now, cause I just got home from work, lol.
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