Aug 04, 2010 11:06
I'm currently looking for a few good users who are willing to give reviews for any of the communities, groups, programs, bookmarklets, or apps. that I've posted in any of my previous posts. It doesn't have to be a comprehensive review (i.e. it doesn't have to cover every aspect of the program, app, etc.) but please avoid giving secondhand accounts (i.e. I don't want any "my friend said...", "another person reviewed with...", etc.) in your own review -- I just want your opinion and experience of whatever you're reviewing.
When posting a review, please include the following:
Subject Line: (Name of What You're Reviewing)
Comment Body: (Review)
When reviewing do try to avoid using netspeak or one liners (example: "This program is great!"). Other users will be reading your reviews and, hopefully, finding them helpful.
Please post your reviews in the comments to this post -- positive and negative reviews welcome! :)