I love the entertainment industry.

May 28, 2006 20:46

"Mission Impossible 3", "Over the Hedge", and "X-Men: The Last Stand" were all very awesome movies.

I've also recently purchased a couple CD's. The oldschool compilation "what hits!?" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers and another compilation from KC & The Sunshine Band.

Hooray for inspiration!

So, now if only my band would get their acts together. Dynagroove! supposedly has a new line-up of musicians now that are more skilled, as well as hipper to the funk... however I'll believe it when they freakin' show up to rehearsal. Two weeks ago we had a rehearsal with about half the people that are supposed to be in the band, a week after the guitarist and bassist had another gig which they told me about so it was cool... but the drummer and tenor sax player didn't show up and didn't call, and this past saturday everyone decided to no-show and no-call. Only one out of the 5 people who were supposed to come to my house had told me that they might not make it, and it was a valid reason, so I was cool with it. However the rest of them not showing up, and not letting me know why for 2 weeks now is pretty freakin aggrivating. And what makes it so much more confusing is the fact that all of them have said they want to be a part of the band, they all dig the direction I want the band to follow, they all said they're available at the time that was set. So where the fuck are they?!

It's so frustrating. I want to have a band that will be one of the most awesome entertaining bands in the valley. I want to have a group that will not only pay proper homage to the funk and R&B greats of the past, but also be innovative in developing funk music for the 21st century. I don't see a problem in performing covers, it's a great way to gel and develop as a group, and fun to play other songs. However too many bands out there are just cover acts, and very few of the old groups still playing are writing new material with the same power as their old hits... if at all. And when there are 7 people who say they are totally down for a project, but then don't show up, and don't have the decency and respect to atleast let others know why they arn't coming or to even call the next day or later to say why they didn't show up... it just isn't cool. It's not cool to do that to your friends. It's not cool to do that to your bandmates. And most importantly it's just not professional at all.

I want to have a band that will be active in the music/entertainment industry. One that will make money playing shows, selling merch, and recording. However to get to a point of gaining profit, first there must be investment. Investment of time in developing the music and show. If people want to be in the game, they have got to invest... or get out of the way. Don't waste my time.

Alright! Well, that was a nice little rant, haven't done that in awhile. funstuff.
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