noble ego

May 14, 2008 14:12

I'll sit and try to meld words together or phrases-anything that will burn little cigarette holesin the lining of my thoughts. But usually, it's in vain. I constantly think about the process that occurs in our world wherein we elevate (or raise, or highlight) the value of something (music, art, words and phrases) beyond their inherent worth or kinetic worth. It's process that is so fucking complicated, random, and even contradictory at times that it seems worthless to even broach the subject. But I don't even know if I'm talking about pop culture or academia or art.

I don't really like to update this because I don't really think it's worth it, but Kevin expressed some frustration at my lack of 'real' updates. So to be brief, I haven't checked my grades for this semester. Cognitive Linguistics was quite a tasking class. I haven't checked to see how my group's grant proposal was received but I'm sure my partner (who holds a Ph.D) held it together.

I have a year left. Still wrapping up a B.A. in Literature and a Minor in Linguistics. The Tallahassee college experience is much less interesting than the New College experience. The New College experience is bullshit for the most part, but it's an experience most should have. It's also really fun. Tallahassee has been nice for reasons other than I intended (i.e. not much music playing). And yet, I knew this would happen from about last March. And as nothing happened over the summer, I knew much wouldn't happen over the next fall and spring. I'm just frustrated that no one would admit to that way back when.Honestly, we're at an age in our lives where we can do anything and should be doing anything. David Cross put it forth so directly when he said "These are the party days." Playing shows with the Walkmen and Man Man were highlights though. Yet, it blows me away that those even happened when I realize just how barely we managed to pull them off. It makes me want to try and make a run at it, just to see what could happen. I'd just want some people to come with me.

In the meanwhile, Golden Throats is a cd that people might want to listen to. wants to sell it, if I can ever ship off the first order to them. You can stream it if you'd like here:

This will most likely be one of the last updates on here. Mainly, I feel a little odd for writing all this. I've been reading alot of Raymond Carver and John Cheever shorts lately. I think about story structure on the way to work, in between thoughts of song structures. I really feel something on the edge of my fingertips. I think it might break soon, but even if it is later, it will break.

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