I return laden with dirty laundry and everything coated in Cornish sand. Bliss. No seriously it was a good holiday - we found that if we set up the laptop in the kitchen of the cottage we could use the owners broadband network from nextdoor (we did check that it was ok) YAY! so I got the chance to check emails and get a little steamed about this
wonderful piece of Buffy news . I mean aren't the Kuzui's content with destroying the movie the first time round they wan't another shot at it? *sigh*.
We also found out that the cottage wasn't let again until this Wednesday, so with the forecast being good we took an extra day and spent our 17th Wedding Anniversary (Saturday) on holiday (cripes - 17 years and still talking to each other - we must be weird or something).
Nathan is appearing at
Collectormania next weekend. I am going to see him, he is giving a free talk (I hope I can get seats) There will be photos (J is coming and possibly Ellie - she is just dying to meet him) it's been too long since he was in the UK. Oh and Gene from Life on Mars and some guy named Nimoy or something like that ;)
And finally it's the last day for submitting to the Art of Vidding Awards - Just in case you missed it we are now 'any fandom' Movie /TV etc. If you haven't already then please take a
look and send something in.