I'm back, well just about.....

Aug 28, 2008 20:39

So I'm back from the holiday across the pond.  TStorm Fay did just about everything she could to make us feel well at home with the torrential rain and high winds. Bit like being on a Cornish beach in August. We were lucky though much of Florida was flooded.  But on a serious note I see that Gustav is threatening New Orleans area and my thoughts ( Read more... )

morena baccarin, book, mal reynolds, adam baldwin, inara serra, kaylee, sean maher, gina torres, jewel staite, river tam, holiday, zoe, summer glau, ron glass, art, nathan fillion, jayne cobb, wash, alan tudyk, firefly, serenity, vidding, simon tam

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Comments 14

spiletta42 August 28 2008, 21:37:53 UTC
Oh, I love Big Damn Heroes! It's beautiful. You are so awesome. I hope you do Sweet Charity again, because I'm selfish and greedy, and provided I extract myself from my current pickle, I'll have money to spend. Also, I owe you a picture now that my redecorating is for the most part complete, so you can see where I've hung Kennedy.

Welcome home!


thedothatgirl August 29 2008, 13:18:04 UTC
Thank you - and I would love to see where Kennedy resides - when you get time of course.

I missed the last Sweet Charity auction but will more than likely do the next one, I like to feel I am giving a little back.


astridv August 29 2008, 02:36:46 UTC
Oh, shiny!


thedothatgirl August 29 2008, 13:31:02 UTC
Thanks :)


leviathan101 August 29 2008, 03:58:56 UTC
Your drawing skills are amazing. I am totally jealous, since I can only draw stick figures. :)

I'm glad you had such a nice trip to Disney World (here I am, jealous again!), and hope your whole trip was full of fun. Welcome home.


thedothatgirl August 29 2008, 13:35:46 UTC
Thanks, practice definitely helps with the drawing skills. I should do more because it's yields quicker rewards than vidding ;)

Disney World was fantastic but in a totally knackering way. I think the heat & humidity of Florida had a hand in that.

Nice icon *mmmm bangel*


(The comment has been removed)

thedothatgirl August 29 2008, 13:38:04 UTC
Thank you! -

I'm tempted to do a Dr Horrible group sketch. Felicia Day is appearing at a convention next year so it would be good to do something for that.


raspberry_splat August 30 2008, 01:19:05 UTC
Your drawings are just gorgeous, what incredible skills you have. I envy them. I used to do some illustration, but haven't in ages, I can't imagine how rusty I'd be.

Welcome back from your vacation! So glad you had a lovely time in Disney World. We went there in August one time too..while fortunately we didn't have any hurricane related winds, that Florida heat and humidity really did wear us out!

Goodness, I know that fragile feeling! I've been been doing my best to avoid watching awesome vids too (not as successfully as I'd like though) while working on my first BtVS vid. The song, though amazing, is a tough one and along with how daunting it feels to vid for this fandom...I'm feeling a wee bit shakey, but I keep pluggin' away. Just wish I wasn't so slow!
I hope your vidding project gets underway soon..I know it will be completely wonderful. :)


frivolity65 August 30 2008, 21:10:54 UTC
WOW! You are an amazingly talented artist, Andrea *mwah* I so wish I could do people, and you really capture them so brilliantly. ♥

glad you had a good holiday. :D Maybe your pencils will send you a postcard...? :S :P hehehehee! norty pencils


thedothatgirl September 1 2008, 20:10:29 UTC
'norty pencils' Hahaha - you crack me up Friv :D

I thought I might uncover their whereabouts once I'd bought replacements but nope, no sign yet

*must be losing my mind*


frivolity65 September 2 2008, 18:50:43 UTC
Maybeeeee...if you're realllly lucky, they'll send you a postcard. providing one of them can write that is. :P

*feel free to slap with wet mackerel*


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