Lucifer Season 5 and Real life stuff

Jul 31, 2020 10:46

So I just realised I had not posted since May?? So much/so little has happened in this strangest of years.

Excitement amongst most Lucifans at that 5A trailer. Really looking forward to seeing the dual performance by Tom Ellis as both Michael & Lucifer.  Not sure about Chloe's fringe/bangs. All important stuff!

I think seeing that trailer was enough for me and I am going to try to avoid any more sneak peaks/promoshots/teasers.  I have muted tons of words on tumblr & twitter in the hope to exclude most of the chatter. Still producing art/wallpapers though, and I wrote my first fic.    I decided to unearth the watercolours to have another go at portraits. Over 14 years since the last one, strange to think that this used to be my primary medium for the character/cast portraits. I've definitely lost the knack as well as all the decent brushes I used to own. I will post some WIP snaps I took through the project. Can also totally understand why I switched to pencils.

In real life we managed to book in July at the very last minute an apartment near the original cancelled holiday let we had for June. Cornwall is such a beautiful place,  but being there for a  week amongst many who seemed to be completely oblivious that there was still a pandemic was more stressful than I hoped. After a few days everyone suddenly disappeared so we could relax a little.

So many milestone anniversaries & birthdays this year that have been missed. If this is the sort of issues we face during this pandemic, I'll be grateful.

eta: what's up with crossposting??

lucifer, real life

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