Nov 02, 2004 18:51
I'm sitting here listening to Linkin Park.. who was just on the radio. and they're lyrics are pretty touching, maybe i take to them to much, but i don't know. 101.1 the wriff has a like Linkin Park Marathon going on or something, lol, i don't hate it! lol.
Today was pretty cool i suppose, as you can read in the entry before this, in 5th hour i was bored as all hell. lol, I wish that more stuff would happen in school, like stuff that's worth talking about...that's not boring. I don't know. Maybe it's just me, but i find myself becoming more and more and more bored with school, and this is coming from someone that in the 7th grade LOVED going to school and everything, it was the best part of the day. I didn't mind getting up, now i dread it, and hate it sincerely, I didn't mind doing the work, NOw i find myself having to nag at myself to do it, and just get it done. I never used to care about homework, and i'd be on pom, which was long practices like everyday, and now i don't do pom or anything, and i barely do my homework. I have to start because the last thing that i want is to fail my freshmen year, that'd suck big time. AT least i could pass with a C average. I HATE School. . . just the idea of it is stupid and unclairified to me now, I mean you learn more out on the streets, or at least you learn more useful things...i don't know.
I have to go now, i'm awaiting the arrival of someone totally special! even tho they aren't phycially going to be here...They are still comin!