Sep 07, 2004 19:45
I wanna go to my homecomming more then i thought i would.. i mean i have a, but yes.. i wanna go, and i hope that dad and tanya grant me this, and let me's not that i don't think they won't, it's that i don't know if i will be able to get off being grounded. that's my problem.
i am terrified for school to start, i mean really really scared, but maybe when i get there, everything will just blow over. i hope so. i mean it'd suck if i was like.. the biggest dork there or something, i don' tknow. lol, it's all good.
I miss him. i miss him tons. groundings suck. really big ones.
i gtg. flood someone with emails or something, lol, i love you.
*one month marker* :)