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hwangtinglee July 30 2011, 03:47:47 UTC
We already kind of know each other but I forgot to add you cuz I thought I did already haha.
I want to read more of you fanfics so please add me back.
Let's be good friends ne ^^
YamaChii Ichiban!!!
Yoroshiku m(_ _)m


thedorabangs July 30 2011, 09:55:03 UTC
Rei-chan~!! ^_^
Ah, hai added you back ^_^
yes, let's be good friends and support jump together!! :3
nee, how old is Rei-chan? hoho random question XD

Yoroshiku!! m(_ _)m << lol coppied it gomen xD


hwangtinglee July 30 2011, 23:19:28 UTC
Thanks for adding me back Natsuko-chan ^ U ^
Hai hai
Let's support JUMP and be good friends ne XD
Ahhh...my age....
I don't like to give the exact number but I'm around the same age as some members of HSJ
Haha gomen hope that answer is ok for you ><

Can't wait to read more of your fanfics :3


thedorabangs July 31 2011, 11:02:58 UTC
Sure, pleasue is all mine Rei-chan ^_^
oh, it's okay i have no problem with that~ age is just a number, and apparently the indication of years you've been living in this cruel cruel world 0_o lol

ah, thank you, really :3 *hugs you*


hwangtinglee August 1 2011, 03:12:10 UTC
Maa...Sou desu ne.
Demo even though the world can be cruel it is still good at the same time.
I mean there's JUMP and other JE groups right >w<

Whenever I think life is getting annoying it just reminds me of two Arashi movie titles that I love and it seems to make me feel better.
~Life is Hard Dakedo Happy~ and
~Life is Hard Dakara Happy~

HUGS to you too Natsuko-chan XD


thedorabangs August 1 2011, 11:24:40 UTC
i just like being pessimistic at times, you know to balance life lol
please don't mind me and my stupidity XD

uwah, so you're an arashi fan too? :3
who do you like most in arashi?

*hugs back for hugging me when i hugged you Rei-chan XD*


hwangtinglee August 2 2011, 02:24:46 UTC
Haha no problems
We can all get like that when life gets in the way ><

Hai hai
Arashi and JUMP are my favorite XD
Arashi na...
Their chemistry and bond is just undeniable ne.
I really love all the members individually and as a whole.
They just give a very good feeling especially when they are together.
Like the feeling YamaChii gives me haha ^^
And their songs are awesome of course but that's like a given.
So yup these two groups are my bias ne Natusko-chan :3


thedorabangs August 2 2011, 10:47:19 UTC
fufu exactly D:

yeah, JE songs are supposed to be pure awesomness :3
ah, that's why ^_^
I wonder why JE bands have this much impact on people :3


hwangtinglee August 2 2011, 20:38:36 UTC
Hai hai
They really do possess something special ne.
Some JE groups more than others.
But definitely all unique and special.

Good question Natusko-chan.
To me I guess it's just the feeling they give off.
And being ikmen desu totally helps too haha


thedorabangs August 3 2011, 10:56:25 UTC
no doubt about that!! that even a single smile can make up your whole week~~ ah it feels good to be a fangirl lol

ahaha probably nee~ XD ikemen homaygassssssshhhhhh


hwangtinglee August 4 2011, 02:44:01 UTC
For sure Natusko-chan.
Their smile just totally makes my day and even the whole week ^^
Life would be boring without them for sure XD

Hai hai


thedorabangs August 4 2011, 11:27:03 UTC
Since when have you been fangirling Rei-chan? ^_^

yeaah~ Hey, are you a v-kei fan as well? :3


hwangtinglee August 5 2011, 03:37:37 UTC
Good question.
I don't really remember that well..
But I guess I got interested in Japanese related stuff since MatsuJun played in the JDrama Kindaichi.
I got more into it when computers become better haha.

Nai desu ne
I'm not really familiar with v-kei.


thedorabangs August 7 2011, 12:05:20 UTC
Uwah so Matsujun is your first ichiban? hohoho~
lol hooray computers :P

oh, i see~ is it weird to like j-pop and v-kei at the same time? :P


hwangtinglee August 8 2011, 02:45:43 UTC
Jitsuwa ne...
My first ichiban was actually Aiba-kun but now Nino wins so Aiba became my niiban ><
Gomen Aiba-kun m(_ _)m

I watched Kindaichi because I love detective stories.
Matsujun was great and I LOVED the theme song "Jidai" so I got into Arashi XD

It's not weird...at least I don't think so ^^
I'm just not aware of v-kei that's all.
I mean I see it in the JEntertainment news and stuff but that's it.


thedorabangs August 9 2011, 11:19:04 UTC
ahaha, betrayal! loljustkidding~
it's pretty normal, i think? :P
i somehow betrayed someone too, specifically kat-tun xDD

oh, that's why~
have you already been into j-drama before getting into Arashi? :3

ah, i see... hooray, i'm still normal then lol


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