Fanfic: Through Seasons, Love Me Chapter 10

Apr 20, 2013 17:37

Title: Through Seasons, Love Me Chapter 10
Pairing: Yamada/Chinen
Authors: thedorabangs
Type: Chaptered
Summary: Behind all the fame and sparkles of an idol lies a pure-hearted Yamada Ryosuke Chinen Yuri came to love.
AN: Girl! Chinen. Cliché plot. Very cute YamaChii X3
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9

Chapter 10:

Chinen had been staring outside the window, gaze fluttering from one thing to another. She was so preoccupied in her thoughts that she failed to notice Yamada sitting beside her.

“You okay?” He asked, encapsulating her hand in his.

She took a deep breath before leaning into her lover’s shoulder, “Yeah… I just can’t believe what’s happening…”

“How come?”

“First, Shuichi-san’s finally gone in my life. My mom is reunited with my dad and…”


Chinen faced him, wrapping her arms around his neck, “And, Mr. Yamada Ryosuke, I finally have you. I’ve never been this happy before.”

“You better believe it,” He replied, planting a soft kiss on her cheek, “And we better get ready. We’re meeting JUMP later, remember?”

“Oh yeah… are we… telling them?”

Yamada got up and held his hand out to help her stand, “Ofcourse. They would kill me if we didn’t.”


“Well?” Yabu asked impatiently, the 9 of them were seated in a circle while Yamada sat beside Chinen, “You wanted to announce something?”

It just happened to be the end of their shoot and immediately after Yamada asked for the group’s attention. The atmosphere was getting sort of… awkward.

“I wanted…. To inform you guys that…”

Chinen held onto Yamada’s hand, shocking everyone, “Ryo-chan and I are together,” she continued and received gapes from everyone.

“No…” Inoo said, eyes blinking in shock. “Her” baby was together with this… this… sparkly idol! How can sshe be able to comprehend that!?

“Omedettou! Finally, you guys,” Daiki cheered, braking the shock out of everyone, “It’s about time you guys got together!”

Takaki chuckled, “Dai-chan’s right. We knew something was going on with the two of you. Yamada finally had guts, men.”

Then the guys finally calmed down, congratulating and cheering them. Except for two.

“B-but o-our baby!” Yabu and Inoo cried helplessly, pulling their little girl on their lap, “If she cries, I will roast you alive, Yamada Ryosuke. I. WILL. ROAST YOU,” Yabu, being the over-protective “dad” hugged his self-proclaimed daughter, Inoo’s death glare accompanying.

“Okay, Roasted pig for everyoneeee!” Hikaru joked, making the rest laugh and Ryosuke pout.

There had been a little taunting here and there before Inoo spoke up again, “You guys better be careful though. I honestly don’t know what to do our say. Yamada, you may be turning 20 but you’re still not legal.”

“Johnny’s policy…” The group murmured, worry replacing their smiles.

“B-but we’ll make it work! Somehow. Nee, Yuri?” Yamada looked at her with a serious look, wanting her help on this one.

She bowed her head, alarming Yamada. Truthfully, she wasn’t aware of such. She was just so happy about the whole ordeal that reasons and priorities skipped her mind. But she was happy with him, and she’s pretty sure he was happy with her too. She was willing to take the risk and make things work.

Chinen stood up in front of everyone before she bowed, yet again startling the rest of the guys, “Please, I ask help from all of you. Help Ryo-chan and I keep our relationship.”

“Yuri…” Ryosuke uttered before he bowed together with her.

There was silence and this urged the couple to bow down lower. The rest of the guys looked at each other, then to Yabu, the “leader” of the group.

“Well, I guess it can’t be helped… your secret is safe with us.”

Both snapped up in joy to meet the smiling gazes of the group. They knew, and have confirmed how they can always count on JUMP.


It had been called a day, and everyone practically went home. Well, except for Chinen and Yamada.

“You’ve worked hard, otsukaresama deshita,” Chinen smiled, giving her lover a pinch on the cheek.

“You had been too,” He held on to that hand, a smile etching his face, “We wouldn’t be able to have a shoot without you. Shall we head home then?”

At this, her lips tugged down into a frown, “I’m afraid not. I still have cram school.”

“Whoa. Okay then, I’ll wait for you until you finish.”

Her eyes widened at this, “It’s 2 hours long. You can go, really. I’ll be fine.”

Yamada took her bag and guided her out, “Nonsense. I’ll wait for you.”

She could only blush as he tugged on her hand and lead the way.


“2 hours and I’ll be done,” She said with a smile, waving at him.

“I’ll be waiting for you at the café in front then,” He waved back.

She skipped happily on her way inside her classroom, fluffy feelings overpowering her. She was too high to notice bumping into someone. Chinen continued to walk to her seat and took out her things.

“Ouch Chii-chan, that hurt.”

Chinen looked up and saw Hiroshi, her cram schoolmate. She bowed instantly, “I’m sorry Hiroshi-kun, I didn’t notice.” She didn’t look too sorry though, as she was still light headed from being all lovey dovey with her boyfriend.

“Someone’s happy today,” He commented, taking the seat in front of her, “Have you finally decided to take that date with me?”

A look of confusion etched her face, “Not exactly,” She didn’t know how to respond to being hit on… Despite the fact that she had been hit thousands of times….

“How come? Got a boyfriend now?”

She could only nod, her cheeks flushing. Honestly, she doesn’t like this Hiroshi guy. He had constantly been hitting on her, insisting on what he likes on her.

“Really?” He chuckled, “I give it a few weeks. Then you’ll be mine.”

Chinen flashed him a death glare but he took it as a joke, ruffling her hair before he went to his respective seat. She could only sigh, taking out her notes and pens when her Hey! Say JUMP one dropped to the ground.

“Uwahhh!” Someone came to pick it up for her, and she thanked her in response, “You’re a JUMP fan too?”

Chinen nodded.

“I’m Erina Ito, and I just transferred here. I like Yamada Ryosuke very much!” Chinen’s cheeks blushed at this but she did her best to hide them by bowing down, “No stealing, okay? I’ll be Mrs. Yamada!”

Chii gave off a nervous laugh, “I’m Chinen Yuri, it’s very nice to meet you.”

“Let’s exchange emails after class, nee?”



Chinen stood in front of the cafe smiling, Yamada spotting her. She then proceeded to an abandoned alleyway knowing he’d follow.

“Ryosuke,” Approaching him, she smiled, “Thanks for waiting for me.”

“Don’t mention it. So, how was it?”

“Quite boring actually. But you know, I met a new friend and she’s a fangirl too! She told me she aims to be Mrs. Yamada. Hehe,” It suddenly seemed awkward for her and so she scratched her head, a bitter laugh spilling from her lips.

Her breath hitched when she saw him at such close proximity, “Are you jealous?”

“I-I’m,” She was supposed to negate it but her voice stated otherwise, “Fine. I am.”

Her brows scrunched at his chuckles and so she looked up at him, “Whaa-“

He encapsulated her in his arms, nose buried in his neck, “You don’t have to. You know who I love, right? Chinen Yuri. My one and only.”

His breath warmed her ear, effectively making her cheeks flush, “W-wakatta y-yo…”

Yamada released from the embrace, his palms placing themselves on her warm cheeks, “That’s it?”

It was a spur of the moment, and he didn’t have a chance to react as she placed her lips atop his. What made it more heart fluttering was right after, she tiptoed to whisper in his ear, “I love you too, Yamada Ryosuke.” And she broke the hug and walked ahead.

Yamada was too shocked and overjoyed that he couldn’t feel his legs. He stood there, frozen on the spot before Chinen called for him at the end of the alley.

They couldn’t sleep without butterflies in their stomachs that night.

fanfic: through seasons love me

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