Title: Through Seasons, Love Me Chapter 3
Pairing: Yamada/Chinen
thedorabangsType: Chaptered
Summary: Behind all the fame and sparkles of an idol lies a pure-hearted Yamada Ryosuke Chinen Yuri came to love.
AN: Girl! Chinen. Cliché plot. Very cute YamaChii X3
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 (
chapter 3 )
YamaChii moment kawaii yo
OMG Dai-chan is the one who walked in hahaha
Ryosuke probably want to kick the pengi so bad hahaha
yay yamachii <3
deshou?? ofcourse he should be the one to walk in on changing chii.
then it would end up to something much more than changing clothes hehehe
And as I see my special little one is good at fluff and luv luv too
So you should definitely write more instead of your angst hahahaha *poke poke*
LOL that's for sure
If Ryosuke saw it would be bad hahahaha
Maa maa let's give the buta some credit
He can control himself ne
Just if he does his Chii will not walk well the next day at all hahaha
not only the next day but the whole week neechan! XDD
it's chii we're talking about after all hihi
I would love you even more if it's possible
But I guess it will be possible if this fluffiness and luv luv continues XDDD
Happy fluff luv makes you happier too ne hehehe
LOL haiiii
Well at least Ryosuke will carry his Chii then for the rest of the week hahaha
bcause too much angst breaks my yamachii heart
Dakara more YamaChii fluff fluff keeps us healthy and happy hahaha
More then just a butler ne
Demo that's a good description hahaha
hai, butler lover hubby <3 hehe
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