(no subject)

Nov 07, 2007 13:38

i guess i'll write a quick little post since my job today is primarily concerned with making copies. ithink i can take a few minutes to scribble out a few words. thank goodness i'm not scribbling though because well...i'm typing right?

lets see. where's my life going? still don't have a paying job. got turned down at conner prairie. haven't heard anything from planned parenthood. haven't heard anything from the revisor of statutes at the capital. haven't heard anything from any other blind ads i've responded to.  just went for a cpr class yesterday evening so i'm one step closer to becoming a certified substitute teacher. its kind of exciting. kind of nervous making. not really sure. both definately.

applied for a job today while i was here at work. emailed off my resume and cover letter to the central indiana community foundation to be an administrative assistant for the indiana parks foundation. kinda cool. i wouldn't mind working for them since parks are pretty swell, and i remember when i was doing my eagle project i wouldn't have gotten it done if it had not been for the help of a gentleman in the carmel community parks organization. so its kinda cool to think that i'll be giving back. kind of like my internship now. turning around and working for the institution that i once took part in before college. its funny how one gets entrenched in the community in which you were raised. especially carmel and indianapolis, both being suprisingly small towns. its amazing who i've run into, seen, narrowly avoided etc.

anna and i had our 1yr anniversary back in october. i'm still as happy as ever. i like that we've been together for one year now because i'm remembering the times when we were doing things exactly one year ago.  like this weekend a year ago, anna met my parents at the monon bell football game at wabash. crazy. and last weekend, while i was helping anna recover from her wisdom teeth surgery, a year previous matt goodrich and i were in bloomington to party, but i snuck away to see her mother in a show and then met her and her theater friends for the first time. one year ago. craziness. i love anna she is wonderful.

speaking of anna, she's still recovering from her wisdom teeth removal. i feel bad that she feels so crummys, still. i have a hard time remembering what it was like for me so that makes it even more frustrating. i just wish her mouth would heal so she would stop saying she had a fat face. because as we all know, anna does not have anything close to a fat face, even when recovering from oral surgery.  i almost typed sugary there. whoops.

okay, well before my boss comes back and finds me not working and then passively aggressively asks me what i'm working on...i must go. love you all. hope all is well. cheers to you.

ps. thanks to denis for the lj nudge. and anna for always asking when i'm gonna write one of these things. its like pulling teeth i know....pun absolutely intended.
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