Sep 09, 2008 19:57
So you know how they tell you you'll have a lot of free time in college?, Yeah so that's a lie. So far homework, class, and food take up everything save the weekend (which, I have to say, are Crazy. C.r.a.z.y.) but anyway, there's so much I want to do right now, but I have to wait until all this crap settles down. Unfortunately, between Japanese (which I love but is tons of work) Psych MBE (same situation) CEW (PA with a new twist but just as much work) and chem (awful, absolutely awful), class pretty much keeps me studying all day. At least until I sleep, go on facebook, or go out to eat with people.
Part of me is really tempted to join one of the martial art organizations here. Except there's a fee and I'm sick of paying money to this institution.
By the way, Wu-Tang is the SHIT.