Jan 26, 2005 19:00
What certain hells I put myself through for trying to assess the damage of other peoples' lives. Why do I do it? What purpose could I possible have for trying to make sense of other people's misfortunes?! How arrogant, no? Anyway, I've seen about eighty of these posts, so it seems others have vented as well. Well, endure another.
Basically, I know Spencer won't talk to me or anyone else. I know he's an idiot for what he's doing, and I feel like the bad guy for trying to make him come to his senses. I know he won't listen to me. I know he'll be unhappy wherever he ends up if he continues how he's living. I also know he'll be reading every word of every post we've all written, just for the sake of seeing us squirm for him.
Well, you know what, Spencer. Fuck that. The fact is, it kills me to think I so many of us sat back and shut up about you and your blatant problems, but fuck you, I tried. We were at your house trying to get you to study, not because we couldn't relate to your problems, or wanted to be heroes, but because we didn't want to see you destroy everything. Fuck you for wanting to destroy friendships that everyone else enjoyed. Fuck you for wanting us to care in the first place. Fuck your your stupid,ignorant, uncaring mother for not wanting to step up and be a real parent. If she had any sense, you'd be forced to go to school. Damn everyone for trying to worry about you and have pity on you and tried to help you when you needed it. God knows how horirlbe it is to worry about someone, even if they intend on going down with the ship. Fucking damn your affections,Spencer, since obviously none of it was real and if you're willing to give everything up in one night. Finally, screw my gullibility, to think that you actually cared about everyone like you said you did. More than you fucking your life, or your arms, or some distant canadian that could and might run out on you, it is your sheer disregard for me and everyone else that pains me the most. So, go ahead and screw up your life, and don't think it won't hurt when you end up alone and cold on the wrong side of the tracks. It hurts me already, you ass.