Apr 27, 2003 10:18
WOAH.what a night..let me tell you damnnn. hehe didnt get completely wasted but Meagn..lol haha she was SOOOOO fucking drunk.it was too funny:) well last night we went to Sunset Place and i met up with Chino, Kenny, Bread, and Barbara..they be some cool ppl yo. We were on a mission to get some beer, so we went to the mobile and asked a bum to buy 5 Quarts of Mickeys;) let me tell you thats ALOT of fucking beer yo. so w.e we went to this place to drink and we were chillin there preety much the whole night. Then Viktor, Alex and David came. they were already preety fucked up. Damn Pot heads..lol nahh madd love.
My fucking period can kiss my ass! shit man.:( lol i had really bad cramps, but i drank the pain off. haha damn white girls are Kleptomaniacs. haha Megan went on a stealing rampage. Ew i hate the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, its soo scary. haha megan is admiting she has a problem, " After i steal something i always promise myself that im never going to do it again, but i walk into a store and i see something i want and i HAVE TO GET IT..well steal it. Seriously i think thats a problem..::giggles:: yea if i get caught :-/ that wouldnt be good" lol haha some funny shit there.
Ahh this weekend is coming to an end. not cool i have to study for a Bio test on Monday, and i gotta do the Home Learning.shittttt. OO well. Man this fucking movie is CrAzY, the person who made it must have been on some very STRONG drugs.lol ::i have a crush on you;):: well not really you..lol well maybe..haha but ya never know cause im not going to tellll:) only certain ppl know;)
Alrighty i think its time to go to the Bathroom, cause i gotta change something..lol:) ::Im OuT::