Aug 07, 2002 00:21
Been playing more Warcraft 3 tonight, just started the Undead campaign and it's getting weird :). Although, the number one tactic is to build loads of Spirit towers and watch the enemy TRY to get into your base.
Still no RO....
Been on KaZaA too, managed to get up to episode 15 of Rockman EXE, still looking for 16+, cool series. Wheels has started on the Ranma again, got some of season 4 down. I also got loads of DnD stuff, must get on with burning it to CDs.
Also, finished the current Dwarf unit way ahead of schedule (painted the last 15 on Sunday) and did the Flame Cannon earlier today. I'll probably do a another 20 clansmen next, not sure what to make the 'reward'. Maybe some characters so I can finally start gaming with me Dwarves without being a 'tinboy' (lit. someone who plays wargames with a lot of unpainted miniatures).
DnD Tomorrow! Been looking forward to it for ages (cause last session was cancelled) and maybe this time we can kill off the annoying gnome.
Enough babbling! O&O