Title: Confronting Feelings; Part 2
Genre: Angst Romance
Pairing: yuuram
Rating: T
Summary: Yuuri deals with his feelings of Wolfram
Disclaimer: I do not own Kyo Kara Maoh or its characters
Part 2
Sitting at the end of Greta’s bed, he watched her pack. She was getting ready to leave to see Wolfram. It had been a week since he left and she wouldn’t stop giving him that look. That knowing look but he didn’t know of what and it only made him feel guilty. She then gave him that look and he focused on the wall opposite of her.
“Is there anything you want me to say to wolfram?” her voice gentle as she closed the latch of her baggage. His head turned and he stared hard at the bottom of her dresser.
“No, theres nothing.”