Characters: Koizumi and everyone who wants to join
Setting: Grand room
Time: Sunset Day 005
Summary: The meeting, finally. Koizumi observes and lets everyone talk.
Warnings: I get the feeling there's going to be some chaos and proabby some anger with so many people in one thread. =|
Koizumi slept for a good deal longer than he meant to. The battery on his cell phone had run out days ago so he had no way to wake himself up, and he was so tired that he almost slept through the meeting that he had exhausted himself to prepare for. That could have been embarassing. But he managed to wake up just as the sun began to set and proceeded to scurry about making himself presentable before the meeting. He would have liked to shower, but there was really no time- but he should at least change clothes. He donned one of the butler outfits and grabbed some paper and a pen before dashing out, not even bothering to make the bed. It would make itself anyways.
Despite the rush, he had arrived before the rest. That was a relief, but he hoped it didn't bode ill for atendance... He had persuaded at least a few residents to attend personally. Zetsu would come, he was sure, if he saw the notices. Gant too, and Hikaru had agreed... well, no sense worrying, he would see soon enough. He set the papers down on the piano bench and set about making a circle with the chairs. A circle would be best- he didn't want to appear to be a leader in this. In fact, he intended to get the discussion going and then stay as silent sas possible. Passive observation was much more useful to him than actual participation right now. Of course, he would contribute to scape plans if he came up with a particularly good idea, but that was all.
He took chairs from the dining room too- it was optimistic, but he'd rather be prepared. And food, he had eaten about as much as he'd slept today- no, no, there wasn't time for that, he could eat after the meeting. He continued to arrange chairs,but ran into a spot of trouble with the piano. It was in the way, and a bit heavier than he imagined a piano would be. Don't these things usually have wheels on the bottom of them? Damn this house... he shoved at it, but even using his entire body he was barely able to move it.