Characters: Mew, Mewtwo, Red
Setting: 2nd floor - East Gallery
Time: Day 005, after exiting the basement
Summary: A still-devastated Red hands his Pokemon over to the one person he knows who is powerful enough to take care of them
Warnings: Shota angst, Mewtwo raeg
Slowly, ever so slowly, the pain began to return. )
"Take them," he said bluntly. "They're yours now. were right about me. About them. They need someone who can protect them, someone who can look after them. That's not me, it's you. So...please..."
It wasn't until the "please" that made him realize he was crying. Something about the begging brought the boy out of a haze, making him realize the gravity of the situation. What had at first been an impulsive solution was really like a knife wound into the boy's own heart. These Pokemon has been his friend for a year, sticking with him every step of the way. They had fought together, trained together, and laughed together.
And so suddenly, it was all over. Maybe if Red had known, he'd have tried harder to escape his cage, or escape from the phantasms in the first place.
Or maybe he would have been just as weak as he was now.
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