Carrot oatmeal massacre [Active/Closed]

Jan 10, 2009 20:22

Characters: Simon, Saya and Hellhounds
Setting: the Blue Kitchen
Time: Night 005, shortly after this thread.
Summary: Simon has a little accident during his culinary endeavors and attracts some unwanted attention from the hounds and Saya.
Warnings: blood, violence, trauma and probably some other good stuff.

Simon had to say, it had been a good night all considered: He'd been able to avoid trouble the whole night; it seemed like someone had gone through and disposed of most of the monsters before the digger ever had the misfortune to run into any of them. He'd even had time to amuse himself imagining what the dark oblong shape he'd seen on the horizon recently could be; it might have been his eyes playing tricks, but he could swear it was getting bigger each time he glanced at it. Best of all, though, Simon had been cooking.

He'd quickly grown bored with most of the ready to eat staples the kitchen offered and despite being illiterate some of the boxes had little pictures that accompanied the instructions and Simon wagered he could guess pretty effectively. Even when he didn't know, improvising had proven to be an entertaining adventure all its own and he'd yet to make something he and Boota didn't think was at least pretty good.

At the moment, Simon was boiling oatmeal or what would've been oatmeal had he not decided to add carrots after mistaking the fire symbol for them at first. In spite of its additional ingredients, the carrot porridge boiled away as Simon watched it with interest from a chair just a few feet away. He wasn't really sure when it would be "ready" exactly, so he hoped it would give some sort of sign it was finished.

Apparently when finished, carrot oatmeal does give a sign that it should be moved; the oatmeal began to bubble harder and harder and the pot shook and rumbled furiously on the stove top. Simon bolted from his chair to tend the oatmeal and hooked his foot on the leg of the chair. Panicking, Simon grasped the pot-handle and dragged it down with him, emptying the pot's boiling contents onto his right hand.

He screamed in agony as the searing pain of the boiling liquid seeped further into the skin of his hand. Boota peered down at Simon in a panic from the top of the stove, he had abandoned ship while Simon was tripping. Unsure of what to do, Boota ran in panicked circles before finally deciding his first step would be to turn off the burner. Simon sat up, shook oatmeal off his burning hand and looked at the mess he made.

Finally, he spoke up, "Sorry Boota, I think we'll have to eat something else."

"wyeh" ,the pig-mole sighed of course that would be the first thing Simon would mention... Boota jumped to the sink and labored the cold water on, beckoning Simon over to wash his hand off.

!mature, #monsters, saya (saya no uta), !night 005, !character death, simon the digger (gurren-lagann), #hellhounds

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