Almost Familiar Faces [Active, Closed for Now]

Nov 08, 2008 21:45

Characters: Mewtwo, Red, Red's Pikachu
Setting: Greenhouse, East Hallway, More?
Time: Day 004, after Mewtwo part ways with Mio and Zetsu
Summary: Mewtwo meets a Pokémon, a trainer, and then... helps them?
Warnings: Mewtwo.

Why? )

!day 004, red (pokémon), mewtwo (pokémon)

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replicat January 13 2009, 19:33:47 UTC
[Ash. Ketchum.] The seven-foot-tall psychic clarified rather snippily, although the confusion elicited already answered his question with perfect adequacy. [Nevermind. It is clear that you do not know him.] Mewtwo wasn't entirely sure why he'd asked to begin with, except curiosity, although this boy's... disorienting resemblance to the other trainer--in appearance, in personality, in clothing, and even in choice of Pokémon!--was nagging at him. A lot. He did not clarify that, instead narrowing his eyes. There were much more important things to be addressed.

He struggled to keep a rein on his temper as he did so, violent as it was; he was being remarkably patient (with much difficulty) especially for himself--this house was forcing new circumstances upon him and he did not like it, much as he did not like this human, its claims, or its outrageous lies, slanderous and foolish.

[Return to your previous words, human. Speak. Who is Blaine?] That was actually relatively unimportant. He rose higher. [I have never seen you before in my life, but you think you have captured me!? Don't make me laugh.] Contempt rippled through his telepathic tone. [I am the most powerful Pokémon in existence, more powerful than any that has come before me--more powerful even than Mew.] Venom dripped off that last name, for even though she had been right and shown him what he had been unable to see before, he was still superior, still her clone, improved, and only her experience had set him behind. [Nothing could capture me, no human, no Pokémon, no combination of powers--least of all you and your frail companions. I have no weakness.] This was all true, at least as far as Mewtwo was concerned--it was the perfect, the absolute truth, unified in its essence of fact. He was the most powerful. Captured? Never.


adventurous_red January 13 2009, 20:14:54 UTC
"...Oh," Red said a bit dumbly. Two names, that was odd; did he know anyone with two names? He racked his brain for an answer. "Other than a title or profession, Like Prof. Oak, I don't think I know anyone with two names...weeeeiird." The idea was quite foreign to him.

He was brought out of his thoughts with Mewtwo's other demands. "Um, Blaine is the gym leader of Cinnabar Island, and he used to work for Team Rocket. They hired him to clone you from Mew, but something bad and sciencey happened, and you two became psychically connected through your arms or something. It was really weird, and Blaine's arm will kind of mutate when you're agita--"

The trainer realized that Pika was tugging on him, warning the trainer against babbling anymore. Red mentally kicked himself. Pika was right, and unnecessary babbling was likely to anger Mewtwo even further. Red took a breath, then began to speak more slowly. "Agitated. Anyway, he lost control of you upon your completion. You nearly killed him, and me. You're pretty strong." Hopefully acknowledging Mewtwo's power would divert some of his rage. "But Blaine gave me a Master Ball, and I used that capture you." He paused, gauging Mewtwo's reaction. "It wasn't really a weakness, more like a slip-up. An opening. We caught you off guard - I don't think you expected us to have thought of that..." The trainer trailed off, lost in memory.


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