Almost Familiar Faces [Active, Closed for Now]

Nov 08, 2008 21:45

Characters: Mewtwo, Red, Red's Pikachu
Setting: Greenhouse, East Hallway, More?
Time: Day 004, after Mewtwo part ways with Mio and Zetsu
Summary: Mewtwo meets a Pokémon, a trainer, and then... helps them?
Warnings: Mewtwo.

Why? )

!day 004, red (pokémon), mewtwo (pokémon)

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adventurous_red November 9 2008, 03:52:21 UTC
He didn't know where he was going; there was no possible way he could even be bothered to look at his surroundings right now. Little feet dashed forward, propelling him from room to room in search of somebody, anybody who could ease the terror in his mind.

'Save Red! Somebody, please save Red!'

Pika rushed onward, unaware of how many rooms he had already been through. Hell, the little creature could have been going in circles - all that mattered was that he found someone who could help his trainer. And find someone he did.

Pika recognized that psychic chill, the one he had bravely gotten so close to. He remembered everything that came with it: Blaine's mutated arm, the giant tornado, seeing his friends thrown about. Given the choice, Mewtwo would have been the last being in Kanto that Pika would have turned to for help.

And yet he saw no other choice; Mewtwo was the only being that Pika was sure could help.

Summoning all his bravery, the electric mouse cautiously (yet quickly) entered the Greenhouse. "Pika! Pi-pikachu! ( ( ... )


replicat November 9 2008, 05:21:10 UTC
Mewtwo was startled out of his reverie by the unexpected cry--contents aside, he hadn't yet seen a familiar Pokémon in the past weeks, but now a Pikachu...!

He turned his head to stare at the electric type, nonplussed. Where had it come from? Mewtwo rotated in midair to face Pikachu fully, spreading his arms as he turned his attention to it.

[Your 'friend?'] he asked, locking eyes with the little Pokémon. He... was not adverse to Pikachus--in a way, he could be said to favour them over some other species. Nevertheless, there was heavy scepticism in his telepathic 'tone.' [What kind of 'friend' do you speak of? And what do you expect me to do to help?] Mewtwo was not known for that kind of kindness or generosity... he wasn't known at all, actually, so how had the small Pokémon dared to approach him? Did it not sense his power? Or was it so desperate that such a thing didn't matter? He suspected it was the latter--so many seemed to be in such dire straits today. A nagging thought suggested to Mewtwo that this Pikachu's 'friend' was


adventurous_red November 9 2008, 06:50:57 UTC
He knew it, he knew that Mewtwo wouldn't help. Pika was crazy for hoping, and even though he knew Mewtwo wouldn't care, the little Pokemon couldn't stop the tears from welling in his eyes. What was he supposed to do now? Something was wrong with Red, Pika didn't know what it was, and now his one hope at help seemed very reluctant to do so.

Pika normally wasn't a humble Pokemon, but in this case..."Pikachu. Pika pi, pikachu. (Please. He's my best friend, you've gotta help him. If you don't...)" Pika knew it was futile. He wouldn't stand a chance against Mewtwo, but he did it anyway.

The little mouse walked towards the Greenhouse exit, firmly planting himself between Mewtwo in the door. His cheeks began to spark. "Pikachu. (If you don't come, I'll have to force you.)"


replicat November 9 2008, 20:03:31 UTC
Pikachu's tears sent a ripple of shock through Mewtwo--had it just been those tears, Mewtwo might have been moved to acquiesce on his own, though the odds were slim. When the little Pokémon's cheeks began sparking, however, the psychic had a rare moment of recognition: so this was that situation. With his... little more than three years of life and unusual circumstance, Mewtwo rarely related to others--a mere few months ago, Mewtwo would have simply picked up the little Pokémon and thrown him into the wall, disgusted with its weakness.

Instead, he narrowed his eyes further. [Do not presume that you could fight me. Where is this friend of yours?]


adventurous_red November 14 2008, 07:09:18 UTC
Pika's sparking stopped as soon as Mewtwo spoke. He was coming to help? Willingly? And it didn't even take that much persuasion?

That cinched it. This house was weird.

Shaking off his awe, Pika stared up at Mewtwo, grateful but cautious. It made him a bit nervous that the psychic Pokemon had agreed to help so easily - the Mewtwo he knew would sooner jump into Cinnabar Island's volcano than help a human...or a human's Pokemon. Though, if the other Pokemon wasn't planning to attack Pika, maybe he was going to use him. Use Pika to get to Red, and exact whatever revenge he felt was justified.

Pika's eyes narrowed. Well, he'd just have to make sure that Red came out of this okay, even if it cost the small Pokemon his life.

"Pika! (This way!)" he said as he took off towards the East Hallway.


replicat November 15 2008, 03:04:54 UTC
Mewtwo had no specific designs on Red, contrary to Pikachu suspicions--he could and would change that in an instant if he felt it was required, however. Mewtwo did not trust humans--he did not trust them at all, in fact, and disliked what he was doing greatly, as it went against every grain in his cold and aggressive personality. He'd learned some respect for life, though, and some small understanding of the emotions of others, for what little it was worth, and he now mutely flew after the little electric type, following it out of the greenhouse and through the Grand Room to the East Hallway.

He did not entirely know what he was getting into.


adventurous_red November 17 2008, 16:41:22 UTC
Again, everything that passed him by was a blur. All Pika could see was his destination - Red lying at the far end of the East Hallway, unresponsive. The Pokemon hoped they'd get there in time.

Room after room went by, until finally the East Hallway was in sight. The determination that had driven Pika forward suddenly vanished, replaced by fear. What, if anything, had happened to Red in the rodent's absence? What if Pika had been gone just long enough for Red to die, cold and alone? Or worse...what if something had come along and taken Red, with Pikachu gone and unable to protect him?

The yellow mouse shuddered, then slowly proceeded. There was his trainer, lying in the exact same position as before. Pika didn't know whether to be relieved or even more worried. Without looking at his companion, he spoke. "Pika pi. (There he is.)"


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