Heart shaped cookies just for you [Active/Open]

Oct 25, 2008 05:14

Characters: Fiona Belli, Zetsu
Setting: Blue Kitchen
Time: Day 003, afternoon
Summary: Zetsu and Fiona meet...again.
Warnings: None?

Baking is the solution to all of life's problems. )

fiona belli (haunting ground), !incomplete, !day 003, zetsu (naruto)

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belliheiress October 26 2008, 21:28:29 UTC
Well now, that was certainly one thing.

It wasn't that Fiona had no intention of approaching him, but she had selfishly hoped it could be on her own terms rather than a random encounter. She'd hoped to be a little more prepared. As it was, she felt more than a little nervous. On top of everything else, she'd electrocuted him in her state of panic. How did you deal with a person after that? It just wasn't done. At the same time, there was no way she couldn't do anything. Aside from the fact that they were both trapped in this house, she felt guilty about doing so, especially when she considered what else she could have done. The magnesia she carried wasn't for show, either and while she'd never been injured by it herself, for it to affect Daniella it had to hurt.

Actually seeing him not only brought up the guilt, it made it all that much worse. She almost just let him walk away, almost, but not quite thinking better of it. She tried to swallow her anxiety for now. She could handle this calmly, hopefully more calmly now that she was no longer carrying any explosives on her...not that anyone else needed to know that. "Um...!" With such a short frame of time she couldn't think of anything particularly constructive to say, "E-excuse me..." She tried to tell herself that she could do better than that, but that didn't seem to be entirely true. She did, however, have enough sense to set the cup she'd been holding down after she noticed the contents starting to spill over one side due to her shaking and fidgeting.


weeatbodies November 1 2008, 07:04:26 UTC
Zetsu could feel the anxiety bubbling up, despite his best efforts, feel the hair on the back of his neck prickling as he realized he'd seen her. The nervousness spiked, and brought with it some.... guilt? Why? Confused, but recognizing the feelings as not his own, Zetsu acted before things had a chance to get out of hand, slamming down an iron cage of cool, professional calm to lock the foreign emotions away with. He stiffened a little as he heard Fiona speak, call out to him; Zetsu paused and turned, keeping his face as calm, neutral, and blandly polite as he could manage. "Yes?"


belliheiress November 3 2008, 14:18:28 UTC
Fiona shrunk back a little as he turned around, opening her mouth to speak before closing it again, still feeling nervous in his presence and unsure what to say to him. It didn't seem as though there was much she could say. The poor man, she'd probably caused him a lot of pain needlessly...folding her hands over her stomach she looked away, forcing out a quiet, stuttering apology, "Um...I-I...I'm sorry..." She felt terrible about it, really. Acting like that beneath her, even if he was of the opposite sex, that was no reason to throw things at him. No longer caring about her earlier plans, she quickly shoved the remaining cookies into the container, wincing and letting out a small, displeased noise once or twice as she hit a particularly hot area, she offered all forty-eight heart shaped cookies to him.

"Um...th-these are...for you..." After saying that it occurred to her that more than likely he'd think they were poisoned or something to that effect. If he was particularly vindictive they might simply be thrown back at her or simply tossed in the trash. The thought was a little upsetting, because of course she hadn't added anything strange and she'd put more than enough time into making them. She tried to tell herself that she was giving it her best effort and that was all that mattered, but it just wasn't that simple. Even if he was a stranger, she didn't want him to have a(n entirely) negative opinion of her.


weeatbodies November 6 2008, 06:28:20 UTC
".....It's fine." Zetsu wasn't sure what else he could say; he knew he shouldn't have taken it so personally. Honestly, it was a stupid thing to do; he should have just gotten the hell over it and moved on. After all, damn near everyone felt that way about him, it wasn't like she was--like that had been--anything special. It wasn't like being electrocuted or having things thrown at him was a big deal.... He was probably just making her feel bad for nothing.

Zetsu was startled from these thoughts as he felt the stinging pain of heat against his fingertips, though he certainly wasn't the one standing anywhere near the oven. So it did translate pain, then? She must have felt the electricity too, then.... He wondered how she had managed to run away. "I--thank you....?" He looked down at the cookies awkwardly, taking a deep breath and letting the air rasp in over his tongue and through his nose, tasting and scenting. He could pick out the smell of female and anxiety, and baked goods.... Deeper consideration of the smells, and he could single out the scents of chocolate, vanilla, sugar....

All normal, healthy things to put into sweets. He couldn't pick up any malice from her, and he couldn't smell or see anything wrong with the cookies. What the hell was he going to do with that many cookies, though? He'd never even had that big of a sweet tooth, though after such a long time without sunlight, he definitely wouldn't mind a little sugar. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do now, though; offer them back? Just leave? Talk to her? About what? He wasn't even sure anymore. This was just too far outside his realm of normal experience to know what to do.


belliheiress November 8 2008, 20:23:35 UTC
Fiona couldn't help but continue to feel guilty, even after he'd said it was fine, hands locking over her stomach. Acting in such a manner, what would her father have said? He surely would have been disappointed. Thinking on this, waiting to see what he would do now, she allowed herself to try and get a better look at him. She briefly wondered if those leaves were real before dismissing that question as a stupid one. Why would a person wear fake leaves in a place like this? His eyes had an odd coloration, and his skin as well, but a better sight to see than a not-quite humanoid lapping up vomit off the floor.

But there was something else though. Something about his outfit of all things, that was holding her attention, puzzling her. She felt like she'd seen it before, or at least something extremely similar, but certainly she'd never met this man before. Black and red wasn't exactly an uncommon color scheme, not with the more recent 'gothic' trend that everyone seemed to be into, but it felt like it was more than that. She wondered why that was, but with no one around aside from him to ask she pushed it away for now.

She nodded in response to his thanks, after a moment hesitantly taking one at random from the pile. She wondered if that was rude, but it presently occurred to her that she hadn't bothered to see if they had turned out decently and...well, even if it wasn't likely that he'd even bother with them, she wanted the peace of mind in knowing that they wouldn't have tasted terrible. She was in the same boat as him as to what to do otherwise, shifting her weight from one foot to the other as she looked about for something to talk about. Finding nothing, something eventually dawned upon her, "Um...I...didn't catch your name...?" She took a bite out of the cookie she'd stolen back, finding that they'd turned out better than expected. At the very least, that much was good to know.


weeatbodies November 13 2008, 13:06:38 UTC
Zetsu's stomach twisted almost nauseatingly at the guilt; he wasn't even sure if it was his or not anymore, but either way, it was unsettling and made him edgy. Still, seeing her start eating one of the cookies was enough to make him reasonably convinced that she hadn't done anything to them--after all, she certainly wouldn't have picked one so haphazardly if she had. He took one himself and bit into it; admittedly, he wasn't even close to a gourmand, but he knew excellent cooking when he tasted it. The girl obviously had a talent for baking, and for once, the sugar was more than welcome.

.....Oh, right. They hadn't really had time to exchange names before freaking out, had they? ".....Zetsu. Yours?" He wished there was some kind of script for this sort of situation; there were plenty of social norms for other encounters to draw cues from. Why not anything like this?


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