And when you go chasing rabbits... Complete

Aug 15, 2008 16:55

Characters: Alice, Rain.
Setting: Daffodil Room
Time: Day 001, Early Afternoon
Summary: Alice goes exploring, and questions her sanity along the way.
Warnings: None, yet.

Go ask Alice. )

!day 001, alice abernathy (resident evil), !complete, rain ocampo (resident evil)

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bittenhand August 16 2008, 20:29:22 UTC
She had checked her person quickly, no go on the machine gun. Damn and the MP5K had been her most prized possession. Rain glanced to her left then her right and stared at the place. There were people around and she managed to glide right past them. They seemed to not know what they were talking about and even more so, she didn't give two shits about civilians, job or no job. She quit. Two S&W's at her thigh holsters and a KA-BAR at the back of her BDUs in its sheath.

Her hand hurt like a bitch. Ocampo didn't even know she was infected, of course the girl knew something was wrong and whatever that woman bit her with (ala the T-Virus) couldn't have been good. Upon wandering around had her olive colored hands aimed that handgun toward the first person she saw. Rain had heard a woman talking and God no, not that bitch.

"Alice." her husky voice had exhaled in a grumble, lowering her aim. "Kaplan!" the woman yelled loudly, inspecting any area of the room she could find. "Kap, get your ass in here." still keeping that gun out. No reply. Who were all those people gathered at the main end of the house? Where was she?

This wasn't Raccoon City.


asskickingalice August 16 2008, 23:51:59 UTC
No, this definitely wasn't Raccoon City. For one thing, Alice was out of that damnable dress, and in some rather torn and bloodstained army surplus clothes, a knife strapped to her forearm. Grin/grimace fading into her usual mask, she placed the rabbit back on the bed.

"Kaplan isn't here, Rain, so you might as well quit yelling." She muttered, not reacting to the fact that she had a gun pointed in her face. For the most part. "And put the gun away, or at least get it out of my face. It isn't needed right now, and I have a feeling you'll want to save your bullets anyway."

She had a feeling she was definitely in some sort of hell, now. People coming back from the dead she was used to, but people actually coming back to LIFE... At least she wasn't infected.


bittenhand August 17 2008, 18:43:13 UTC
Well, someone was definitely snappy. "Got your memory back I see." still she didn't move the gun from her general direction. "I bet you were bull shitting all along just so you and lover boy could get outta' there in one piece." the woman snapped right back at her. Still. Alice had kept talking and even worse she spoke of saving bullets.

"Shut up, Abernathy." Rain barked and finally lowered her aim. Damn it! She still couldn't get past the fact that the other woman was higher in rank. But did it matter? No. It didn't. Everyone was dead as far as she knew. And suddenly a pang of fear beat within her heart. Where was J.D.?

Holstering that weapon back to her thigh holster had the woman surveyed the area, seemed to be some kind of room, moving on. Ocampo moved out of the room and headed for the hallway. For some reason, she knew the other bitch would follow.

Good grief.


asskickingalice August 18 2008, 00:04:38 UTC
"Yes, Rain, because we're all conspirators against the little guy, aren't we?" She snarked back, eyes flashing. "Doing nothing but holding people back, and keeping them from filling their potential, fuck all what happens to them, right?" Christ, this woman really needed to get over her issues with superiors.

Hurriedly following after Rain, the blonde reached out to grab her by the shoulder, stopping her in her tracks. "Give me one of your guns." She softly commanded. "It'll be nighttime soon, and it'll be easier for us both to survive if we both have weapons. And before you give me any bullshit lies about not caring if I live or die, I know you'd rather have someone in this damned house that you're familiar with, if anything."

Damned if she knew how it would be nighttime soon, considering how fucked this house was for time, but... Something just told her some danger was coming, and hell knows she wasn't going to let her, or a member of her team be left out in the cold for it.


bittenhand August 18 2008, 01:24:51 UTC
"What makes you think I'd give you a gun?" Ocampo scoffed as she moved through the hallway. Her Smith and Wesson's weren't going anywhere. Abernathy sadly had a point but it wasn't getting through to Rain. "I've seen how you handle things, you can do it without a gun." sassing at her. Looking around at the walls, hm no blood, no hand prints, nothing. Her gaze scanned the carpets, no foot prints and again no blood. This was weird, weirder than anything she had seen besides the Mansion and zombies.

"All right bitch." instantly whirling on her heal and threw the gun at her that she had un-holstered. Rain knew she'd catch it with perfect ease, it's what Alice did. But Rain had better aim. When she could see of course. That's when the girl looked at a window near was almost night time. "Catch." a belated sarcastic present.


asskickingalice August 18 2008, 01:35:17 UTC
Catching the gun with ease in one hand, the blonde couldn't help but smirk. She knew that would work. "Thanks." Tucking the gun into her own thigh holster, Alice became serious. "You head out and scan the first floor. I'll check everything up here. And for the love of God, don't shoot anything unless it or they attack first."


bittenhand August 18 2008, 02:12:13 UTC
Oh, now look who was giving orders? Unholstering her gun had the woman turned back toward Alice with a slight smirk. "I'm on it." the brunette said and ignored her last words as she started back to where they came from.


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