Characters:Hugo Stiglitz
Setting: Entrance Room
Time: Night 016
Summary: Hugo's stumbled into the House, confused and more than a little angry, and meets the Lanternkeeper, among others.
Warnings: Hugo is...Hugo.
Hugo had not expected to suddenly appear in a dark, lavishly decorated entranceway to what appeared to be an even more lavish house. He was instantly on edge, the large, heavy gun strung around his shoulders now in his hands. The strange woman with the lantern, her throat in such a state he knew she shouldn't be upright, let alone wandering, set him even more on edge. He darted into a corner, watching her and keeping his senses on edge should anyone else approach. Something wasn't right, his instincts told him that much.
He waited silently, barely breathing, prepared for anything to happen. Hopefully he'd wait before shooting, but when this on edge, there was no certainty to the way he would behave-- and Hugo was not rational at the best of times.
'This is a Nazi plot.', he decided. It wasn't precisely an educated guess, but in his mind, it was definitely the most likely assumption.
(ooc: Edited for situation fail.)