It's a bird! It's a plane! No, IT'S-- [Open/Active]

Jan 09, 2010 02:40

Characters: Chaos, Kimbley, Break, feel free to hop in with anyone!
Setting: Greenhouse
Time: Day 15, mid-dayish
Summary: Two creepers and a demigod walk into a bar...
Warnings: Nothing yet?

In all likelyhood, the rope had vanished with the hanged man's ghost when Break had killed it some time ago. Break knew that. But he would feel like an incredible fool if he didn't check and it was there, and it would only take a few minutes to climb tree and come back down, so he had nothing to lose by trying.

Or so he thought. What he had failed to account for is that some things cannot be done on willpower alone. He hit the ground again, grateful for the blanket of snow that helped break his fall. He'd made it all the way to the fourth branch this time, and sadly enough that was the farthest yet. His body was still too weak. A frustrating thing, that; he finally had a mission to accomplish and now his body decided to rebel. Granted, it didn't help that he had been subsisting mostly off of hard candies and tea, but it wasn't entirely by choice. He had neither the energy to prepare real food nor the appetite to eat it, lately.

In any case, he was too weak to climb the tree and it was a wonder that he hadn't broken a bone yet, so maybe it was time to change his strategy. He did need to speak with the ghosts, after all, while they were still human. And they were still human, he had decided. It wasn't a completely plausible idea but it was a pleasant one so he included it in his customized version of reality. He should leave this for later, or make Watanuki do it, and go find a ghost to speak with at once.

...Well. As soon as his leg stopped hurting. He probably should have given up on this earlier.

xerxes break (pandora hearts), *acedia, zolf j. kimbley (fullmetal alchemist), !day 015, mello (death note), chaos (xenosaga)

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