Characters: Eva Lillian, Kimihiro Watanuki
Setting: Storeroom
Time: Day 014, afternoon
Summary: Eva has been wandering around periodically all day today, heedless of the lack of lights or the Grinners skulking around. Watanuki finally finds her again.
Warnings: Adorable fluff? Creepy lolis?
It was still dark.
The house had been dark all day. Eva wasn't very happy about it; the darkness made it pretty hard to see, much less to explore. It did make it easier to hide from the Grinners, though, she was grateful for that much.... She was grateful that the sun was at its brightest around now, too. It made walking around much easier, whenever she could be around a window that pointed to outside.
Not that the sunlight was helping her now. Eva had found her way to the Storeroom at some point this afternoon, and was in there still, sitting with the door ajar and leaning back against a stack of canvases and bedlinens. Her arms were wrapped loosely around her knees, tucked up as they were against her chest, and her head was propped up to let her stare aimlessly at one of the corners of the storeroom, and its impossible angles and dimensions.
She didn't look like she had a headache, and nor had her face been marred, by her nails or any others' claws. Still, she sat quietly, half-smile on her face and vivid green eyes distant, looking as though she were lost in thought.