Characters: Kairi, chaos, anyone else.
Setting: East Hallway, 2nd Floor, and moving around.
Time: Night 012, after the Laternkeeper leaves.
Summary: Kairi decides to find somewhere relatively safe. This hallway kind of isn't.
Warnings: Bruises, blood, and broken bones probable. Afterwords? Who knows. :|
You are weathered and worn; your petals soft and torn. )
The hallway seemed to hear chaos' plan and debated a moment, letting the air hang heavy with silence. Then, another movement wracked the corridor, aiming to cause them to tumble to the opposite side. With a short gasp, Kairi began to move, crawling stealthily on her hands and knees . . . Until the hallway decided to throw them off course. She felt herself falling backwards and hit the ceiling with her back, crying out in part surprise and pain. As soon as it happened, gravity returned, and she went plummeting back to the floor, her nose breaking in one swift movement. The redhead snorted up blood, adding to the substance that was already on her face. Her hand curled into claws on the floor, clutching for substance.
"This is insane!" She shrieked, holding her flooding nose. "How will we get out?"
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