Characters: EVERYONE!!!!
Setting: On the island!!!
Time: Early Night 010
Summary: This is the MASSIVE LOG OF DOOM for everyone to join in on! Multiple threads, thread jumping, etc -- have fun with it!
Warnings: No idea, really.
OOC: Label your threads for better organization!!!! Also, to make it easier so people don't jump in line, if you are
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A little white dress, slightly faded from use but still a light, soft tone that stood out, given that it was currently laying on the much darker grass. Both it and the girl that wore it were pale, cold, thin, folded up in the grass, and unconscious, although for the dress that last was to be expected. For the girl, it would not last much longer -- though whether or not that was a good thing remained to be seen.
Namine stirred a little, the darkness behind her eyelids somewhat darker than it had been when she'd gone to sleep in the Daffodil room before nightfall. It also throbbed, she noted as her mind began to piece together jagged fragments of consciousness. In fact, most of her head throbbed. At first it was a dull ache, but it grew suddenly and exponentially sharper as the part of her mind that recognized pain began to function.
"Ouch!" she hissed out loud, because the part of her mind that processed things before they got to her mouth had not yet gotten the wake-up call. Her face scrunched, her body automatically pulling inwards. One hand threatened to reach up and clutch her sore skull, but did not have the energy to make it all the way, and fall limp in the grass for a moment.
Come to think of it, she was beginning to realize that all of her hurt. That... hadn't been like that before, had it? Her eyebrows scrunched a little more, mouth twisting in a perplexed frown. And she was cold. Had she kicked her covers off? ...And what was that poking her?
At last her eyes fluttered open, blue irises a sea of confusion. The little blonde girl blinked, eyes centering on a blade of grass, and for a moment she simply could not grasp what it was. Her mind screamed it, told her the word, but it just did not compute.
She pushed herself up into a sitting position, one hand flying to her head a moment later as it swam horribly, disorienting her. She would have moved more slowly, but her wide eyes would not be staid -- they flickered all around her, forcing her head to turn to accomodate them as they scrambled to gather as much information as they could. Where...?
Then she saw the cliffside, and she knew.
Outside the house.
But-- but how was-- who-- Rayne wouldn't let--
She twisted around, and saw that the house was gone.
No-- no way! It... it couldn't just be...!
But it was.
She stood slowly, mouth agape and expression disbelieving. This couldn't be happening. It couldn't. It couldn't. She was just seeing things. Maybe it was just a different island. Maybe-- maybe--
Her chest constricted suddenly, horribly.
It was. It was gone.
She slammed a hand over her chest, trying to keep herself from hyperventilating -- not that that would help. But it was calming. She spun around to look back behind her, stumbling a little. There was nothing. Just the island, and the grass, and the sky. ...And people. Lots of people. The other people trapped in Dollsy, obviously.
...But, then, where was Rayne? And Roxas? Everyone she knew....
Right now, all she could do was hope that they were there. Her skin prickled with dread as she began to glance around, searching the crowds for a flash of red with an almost frantic speed.
Stopping to try and gather her wits, Rayne turned to tell Oz that they should split up, to find her faster... but saw nothing but any empty space. Wha- Turning, she looked on her other side, feeling foolish, especially when she again didn't find him. hands involuntarily clenching as she realized he wasn't /there/, Rayne ground her teeth together to keep herself from calling his name, knowing it would do no good. Like Angie, he had... No, he couldn't have. There was no reason for him to have left her. He would show up again. He /had to./
Shaking her head, she continued to move through the crowd, searching for any flash of white clothing, blonde hair, or just the familiar scent of the girl that she had almost come to look at as a daughter. Rayne didn't have time to stop and panic about Oz or Alfons or the house disappearing. Later, she would try and sit down and think about what to do about food or shelter or just what to do to keep Namine and Alfons /safe/, but for now...
White dress. Blonde hair. She had to be here somewhere, just like Alfons, just like Oz, but whe - There. Coming to a halt for a split second as she caught sight of Namine, Rayne wasted not time in running over to the girl, appearing in almost a blur as she landed on her knees in front of her, arms wrapping around the girl's waist. It was extremely odd for her to do such a thing in front of so many people, but relief flooded her at the fact of finding one of the people she had been looking for in this chaos. Now to find the other two.
She really needed to get her mind to shut up. But after spending so long with people that never seemed to, with people that enjoyed making fun of her and prodding her and treating her that way, she just... couldn't help it when her mind took their place.
But right now, she needed to find Rayne. She opened her mouth to shout, but her voice would not come. This crowd... these people. It was... the largest body of people she had ever physically been in the presence of, she realized. And it was daunting. She couldn't just start yelling. Her throat was too tight to allow it, even if it would have been the best course of action. She would have to keep --
A blur of red and black. Her mind did not even have time to process her guardian's name before she was caught around the waist. She let out a squeak of surprise, alarmed for the short instant it took to look down. Seeing who it was, it took her even less time to lean down and fling her arms around her mother roommate, without pausing to consider how odd this may have looked. The little girl was shaking, both from the cold and from anxiety, her thin arms quavering but tight in the hug. "Rayne!" she said, more to reassure herself that this was real than to admit recognition.
"Are you alright? Does anything hurt?" She asked, brushing aside some stray hair from Namine's face as she searched for any visible bruising or bumps along the crown of her head. It was almost amusing how little she had to look up to see the girl's face from this position, but Rayne certainly didn't feel like laughing just then. Swallowing two questions (Have you seen Alfons? Have you seen-?) that suddenly welled in her throat, Rayne would save them for now. There was no use in Namine thinking that she wasn't cared for.
"Are you alright? Does anything hurt?"
"I..." She was sore. She had difficulty placing quite what the cause was, just that she... hurt. Nothing awful, just an unfamiliar ache. But it wasn't bad, and she was not going to do anything to make anyone's life more difficult just because she was having unfamiliar discomfort that, although she didn't know it, had been caused by her landing in the grass. She had not suffered any real injuries, but her body was not completely unfazed by the impact. Suddenly, with a shiver, she remembered something comparable -- hitting the ground, when Larxene struck her. But... why would she feel like that now? ...What had really happened?
"...I'm fine. Just a little sore." The girl looked down and to the side, a little awkwardly. Was she lying? It felt like it -- it felt like it, not to say that yes, it hurt, that yes, she was a little worried about how that had come to be the case. But it was the truth; it was only a little, and she was fine. It just... felt like a lie. Perhaps it was because her answer had been focused on not upsetting the questioner. "...But, what happened to the--...." She glanced at the space that she assumed the house to once have filled, trailing off. She felt a bit stupid; she still wasn't even sure that this was the same island, and yet some part of her was so sure that it would let her say nothing else.
Kneeling down again, the dhampir gently moved some of Namine's hair out of the way. "You've got a pretty big bump back here... Did you fall when the house disappeared and hit your head, or is this from earlier, somewhere?" Asking the question, she felt a frown pull at her lips, though she did her best to keep it out of her voice.
If Namine /did/ fall and hit her head, if she had been knocked unconscious from it, there might be a chance of a concussion. She knew how to check for one, though the usual questions might be a bit useless, which only meant she would have to think of new ones. It wouldn't be a problem, though treating it might...
Namine frowned. She wanted to turn around, to ask if her guardian was okay -- although by now she knew that such a question would be pointless. It didn't make her any less inclined to want to ask. However, she remained obediently still. "That's... not good."
Instinctively, her eyes flickered towards the now empty space where the house once stood. To even think that the house could do something was scary... to know it could, that it had, that it might again (assuming it ever came back this time)... was terrifying. She shivered a little.
"You've got a pretty big bump back here... Did you fall when the house disappeared and hit your head, or is this from earlier, somewhere?"
The girl blinked, automatically beginning to turn. She stopped mid-motion, for both of two reasons; it wouldn't make a difference, because she wouldn't be able to see anything anyway, and second; that the sudden turn made her feel slightly dizzy. She turned back forwards, expression pulling into an even deeper frown. "I... don't remember. I was asleep when it happened. But... I was in the -- our room. So... I might have." Admitting it seemed... discomforting, somehow. She really didn't want to say anything to make Rayne worry, but she was not going to lie, either. "...I can't think of anything else it could be."
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