Interruption [Active/Open]

Jun 01, 2009 22:33

Characters: Euphemia, open
Setting: Entrance Hall
Time: Day 010
Summary: Euphemia's entrance
Warnings: Spoilers for stage 22 of Code Geass.

She had to kill them.

She had to kill the Japanese.

But where had they gone? They'd been right there, running and screaming. She'd just stepped out of her Knightmare Frame and knelt to pick up a discarded machine gun, when she'd found herself... somewhere else. This wasn't the Special Administrative Zone of Nippon. It was no place she'd ever seen before.

She stood there prettily in her torn, ripped and bloody white gown, staring at the door in front of her. Were the Japanese on the other side? Was somebody keeping her from them?

She tugged on the doorknob. She had to get out.

She had to get out and kill them.

euphemia li britannia (code geass), *acedia, kei amakura (fatal frame), !day 010, !complete, shinku (rozen maiden)

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