Characters: Yoshiya 'Joshua' Kiryu, and anyone who wants to meet him.
Setting: The main area of the first floor, though he might move
Time: Day 10
Summary: Joshua arrives! And he will probably be the smirky jerkface that he is.
Warnings: Um. None that I can think of at the moment.
it's your turn to roll the dice )
It was weird thinking of the Netherworld that way.
And maybe he hadn't had a very good experience with this part of the house before, but that had been during the night, and the daytime was usually safe, right? So he should be just fine now. No shadow creatures appearing out of nowhere and chasing him, no impaled zombies trying to attack him, nothing at all to worry about.
Almaz peered around the corner into the room, and, after he had deemed it safe, walked out into the main area of the room. So far so good. He started for the front entrance of the house before stopping, noticing another person--someone who looked to be around his age--walk into the room. He didn't look like he knew where he was going, and he didn't look too happy. Had he just arrived here?
Well, it would probably be rude if he didn't say anything. He smiled somewhat nervously, hoping this boy wouldn't react like the first person he had met had. "Um... Hello?"
The teen glanced around the main area, taking note of the different hallways. Seemed like quite a large place- it would be pointless if it were just the two of them. He'd have to go looking later. For now, he'd see how much this person could tell him. "My name's Joshua. Is this normal? Showing up here without warning, I mean."
He hesitated a moment before continuing. "And... it's all right now because it's daytime, but you should be careful at night. A lot of monsters show up then.
Though with the monster comment, he might have to take that back. "My goodness, monsters? That must keep you on your toes. What type or monsters?" Fighting wasn't exactly Joshua's favorite past time, but if that was what was going to make this place more interesting, than so be it.
He nodded grimly as he began to answer the next question. "I've only been here two nights so far, but I've seen these weird shadow things that seemed to be invincible and some zombies that were, um... i-impaled." Almaz shuddered. He still couldn't think about those things without being creeped out. "Those ones are almost worse. When they attacked me and some other people last night there were a whole bunch of them."
He sighed. Hopefully that was just a one-time thing. He'd been exhausted by the time it was all over, and he still felt a little sore even now.
"Seems normal enough during the day," he said, "Wonder why that is." He didn't expect Almaz to know, but he could wonder aloud.
"I'm not sure," Almaz replied honestly. The only thing he could think of was some kind of switch that someone could pull and that just seemed silly. "But that's when monsters usually come out in the movies, so I guess they could just be following that tradition." It was obvious enough that the monsters here weren't like the ones he'd seen in the Netherworld, but maybe they had a few quirks to them too.
Pushing his hair back, he glanced towards one of the hallways. "I think I might go exploring. I'll probably need to know my way around come nightfall. Any suggestions on where to start?"
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