Here it goes again... [Active/Open]

May 19, 2009 22:55

Characters: Yukiko Amagi
Setting: Grand Room
Time: Night 009
Summary: Yukiko arrives in the house.

an unwelcome break in routine )

yukiko amagi (persona 4), *acedia, !night 009, !incomplete, nathan wallace (repo! the genetic opera)

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dead_doctor May 21 2009, 02:29:58 UTC
Nathan was frantically searching for a way out, but felt like he was running around in circles more than anything. He couldn't tell if this entire place was a figment of his mind or not, but that didn't stop him from trying to find a way out of this hellhole as fast as possible.

He came from the east wing, and spotted the woman right away in the darkness. Nathan wasn't a very talkative person, but he needed something, and that was information. He wasn't sure if he could really trust anyone here though. It didn't hurt to try.

Regardless, he spoke up ,"Hey! Stop."


toilluminate May 21 2009, 02:51:09 UTC
Yukiko froze for an instant before whirling on her heel to find the source of the voice. Unfortunately, it belonged to a man she didn't recognize at all, even from just seeing him around town. Was he a visitor or was she not in Inaba anymore? Considering he probably would have been staying at the inn, Yukiko had the sinking feeling that the latter was true.

"Who are you?" she called out, and part of her winced at how that sounded. Not that this was any time to be worried about being polite. "Do you know where we are?"


dead_doctor May 21 2009, 03:12:17 UTC
The man spoke again ,"Nathan Wallace." then a frown crossed his face at her question. He shook his head ,"No, just about to ask you that."

He had a few theories, with being in hell at the top of them. This wasn't a dream or a hallucination, it felt too real. The house had to be a part of some kind of afterlife ,"How'd you get here?" he asked dimly. Certainly he didn't remember being plopped here, as he was half dead upon arrival. It was lucky, or unlucky depending on your perspective, that someone healed him before he bled out.

It was dark, but he took a few steps towards her anyway, to get a better look. He didn't know her, obviously. Then he stood in place, waiting for a reply. Could she be trusted? What if she was a demon sent to torment him? He had to be on guard, no matter how the circumstances seemed.


toilluminate May 21 2009, 03:30:36 UTC
Yukiko frowned back at him when she heard his answers, though she stood her ground when he advanced. He's human, not attacking her, and had normal-looking eyes. She was just going to assume that he didn't mean her any harm until something proved otherwise. He seemed as confused as she was.

"I'm not entirely sure. I was walking on the street, and I think I slipped..." She shook her head. "I'm sorry, I don't really remember. When I stood up, I was here." Her apology was genuine, because try as she might she can't figure out how that happened. It hadn't feel like the time she was kidnapped.

"I don't suppose you were in Inaba before you found yourself here?" she asked the question half out of reflex. Too much time spent solving a mystery: asking questions was apparently as much a habit as checking for her fan now. Yukiko wasn't sure if that was a good thing.


dead_doctor May 21 2009, 03:46:07 UTC
Inaba? What the hell was that? He was confused at her response, and still unsure if he should trust her or not. If her story was true, then that meant this wasn't an afterlife. He just..didn't understand where he was.

Nathan tried to reason everything, but with every passing second he found himself swept up in more questions instead of answers. A faint sigh was ushered past his lips ,"I've never heard of Inaba." He was growing weary of all these questions that went unanswered. All that mattered was survival though, and getting back to his daughter.

Something wasn't right here. All the people he'd met didn't know of repomen, didn't know of him, and looked very different from the norm.

Could there be something missing in the puzzle?


toilluminate May 21 2009, 04:00:43 UTC
Yukiko bit her lip when he sighed. Just because asking questions was a habit didn't mean she was any good at it, apparently. But she didn't have Souji or Naoto or any other the others to rely on, so she offered Nathan a short bow of apology. "Sorry, Inaba is the town I live in. It's the last place I remember being before here. I guess I was hoping..." What? That there was someone running around Inaba kidnapping people? Rogue portals? She tried to hide a sigh. "Hoping for some sort of pattern."

And then Yukiko actually thought about what she was saying and shook her head in disgust at herself: the hows and whys of her arrival here shouldn't take precedent. She should be focusing on getting out. "Is there a reason you stopped me from going through this door? I'm going to search for a way out."


dead_doctor May 21 2009, 18:09:37 UTC
He, too, was hoping for some sort of pattern ,"You'd be wasting your time. There's no exit that way." He should know, too. Nathan had been searching for quite a while for a way out. The more he searched, the more he really understood that whoever was keeping them there, didn't want them to get out.

Maybe it would be best if he waited for morning to keep looking, but the clocks here were very odd. He wondered to himself if the morning would ever come.


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